Tom Goodenough

Tom Goodenough

Tom Goodenough is online editor of The Spectator.

Is Theresa May’s media honeymoon over?

Is Theresa May’s media honeymoon over? The bungled Budget might have led to a raft of bad headlines for the Government, but these were mostly aimed in Philip Hammond’s direction. Today, the Sun turns its fire on the Prime Minister. The paper says May has ‘shown she understands what most Brits want’ from Brexit. But

What the papers say: the Gibraltar row heats up

Theresa May says the way to deal with the row over Gibraltar is ‘jaw-jaw’ rather than war. And there is plenty of chatter on the subject in today’s newspapers: Of course we don’t want a war with Spain, says the Sun. But ‘nor will we sit quietly’ and let Madrid ‘launch its latest ridiculous attempt

Ten killed in St Petersburg blast

Ten people have been killed and dozens injured in an explosion on the St Petersburg metro. The blast happened onboard a train travelling between the Sennaya Ploshchad and Tekhnologichesky Institut stations in the city centre. Russian news agency Interfax said that at least 50 people were hurt. There are reports that the device which exploded was a nail bomb

Tom Goodenough

Trump talks tough on North Korea. Does he mean it?

Donald Trump once said that he wanted to share a hamburger with North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un. Now that he’s President, fast food diplomacy looks to be off the menu. Instead, the tough talk has started and Trump has used an interview with the FT today to warn that America will act against North Korea unless China

Theresa May triggers Article 50

Britain is on its way out of the European Union. In the last few moments, Theresa May stood up in the Commons and announced that Article 50 had been triggered. She told MPs: ‘The Article 50 process is now underway. And in accordance with the wishes of the British People, the United Kingdom is leaving

Isis claim responsibility for Westminster terror attack

Islamic State has claimed responsibility for yesterday’s deadly terror attack in Westminster. Isis described the man involved – a British-born jihadist who has been named by police as Khalid Masood – as a ‘soldier of Islamic State’. The terror group released a short statement, saying: ‘The attacker yesterday in front of the British Parliament in London was

Tom Goodenough

Westminster terror attack: Today’s newspaper front pages

Five people are now confirmed to have died in yesterday’s terror attack in Westminster and police have arrested seven people in connection with the incident. Here’s how the newspaper editorials and front pages have covered the atrocity: The Sun says the terrorists are wrong if they think that yesterday’s attack means ‘we will be cowed’.

Tom Goodenough

Westminster attack: Terrorist named by police

A terrorist who killed four people and injured forty others in yesterday’s ‘depraved’ attack in Westminster has been named by police. Khalid Masood, 52, who was born in Kent and is believed to have been living in the West Midlands, was a career criminal with a series of previous convictions. Scotland Yard named the Westminster attacker hours

What the papers say: Why we shouldn’t mourn Martin McGuinness

Martin McGuinness’s death has sparked a wave of fawning and fury in the obituaries. So: ‘man of war’, peacemaker or something in between? The Sun’s verdict is clear: the ‘pious praise’ for McGuinness is nothing short of ‘revolting’. It’s true, the paper says, that the ‘second part’ of his life differed from his early days.

Tom Goodenough

Theresa May will trigger Article 50 next week

The wait is over. Almost. Theresa May will trigger Article 50 – the first formal step in Britain’s departure from the EU – on March 29th, Downing Street has confirmed. Brexit Secretary David Davis said: ‘Last June, the people of the UK made the historic decision to leave the EU. Next Wednesday, the Government will deliver