The Spectator

Is Wes Streeting the Hamlet of the health service?

Is Wes Streeting the Hamlet of the Health Service? Is this undoubtedly talented and thoughtful young Labour prince fatally irresolute when it comes to doing what he knows must be done? Few politicians have articulated so clearly the need for reform of our healthcare system. Streeting’s insistence that the NHS should be a service not

The Chew Chew Foot Massage Parlour

Hong Kong A fan on the ceiling.  The parlour full of drapes and towels.  A pianist plays behind the curtain. They call him Liverpool.  The cat mooches. The woman puts her hands together in salutation.   A man on the chair, legs stretched out. The woman kneads his feet. The boss takes the money.  Sometimes yawning, 

Letters: Why does the Navy have more admirals than ships?

Pointless laws Sir: The leading article ‘Wrong problem, wrong law’ (19 October) makes cogent points about the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill, in particular pointing out that it would probably not have made any difference had it been in force at the time of the Manchester Arena bombing, and that if passed it will impose

2673: All Saints – solution

The unclued lights are surnames of the twelve celebrities who bear the forename of the four patron saints of the British Isles. ANDREW 1A, 5, 36, DAVID 17, 31, 35, GEORGE 24, 28, 34 and PATRICK 21, 37, 39. First prize Wendy Atkin, Sleaford Runners-up Lewis Osborne, Newton Mearns, Glasgow; Neil Mendoza, Oxford

The futility of Martyn’s Law

There have been few acts of terrorist violence on British soil as grotesque as the Manchester Arena bombing in May 2017. An Islamist extremist, Salman Abedi, detonated a bomb at an Ariana Grande concert killing 22 and injuring 1,017. An evening of enjoyment for hundreds of young people turned into a spectacle of wanton cruelty.

travel agent

Good morning. Perhaps before I am old, wandering on the face of the world, lost, you could suggest an open place of grass and curious trees where I walk barefoot as the day cools under a massive sky, with a herd of something I can’t quite see moving slowly over there on my right, the

Letters: the problem with emojis

Industrial waste Sir: I endorse your concerns about the closure of Grangemouth and Port Talbot and the statement that ‘if high-quality jobs are to return to the North and the Midlands then re-industrialisation is presumably the answer’ (‘Time for a change’, 12 October). However, your leading article fails to observe that Ed Miliband has already

Who works as a bouncer or security guard?

Farewell, Chagos The government announced that it would hand sovereignty of the Chagos Islands to Mauritius. There are 13 other British Overseas Territories, only ten of which have a permanent population. The most populated are: Cayman Islands 78,554 Bermuda  62,506 Turks and Caicos 38,191 Gibraltar  33,701 British Virgin Islands 31,758 – Pitcairn Island is the

2672: Seamless Schemes – solution

The unclued lights are all gems. The title, ‘Seamless schemes’, cryptically suggests ‘stratagems’ without ‘strata’. First prize M. Barret, Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead, Herts Runners-up Kim Christison, Larbert, Stirlingshire; Mary Caldecott, London W12

Labour’s first 100 days: the verdict 

This Saturday marks Labour’s 100th day in office. But they are unlikely to be popping champagne corks in Downing Street – even if Lord Alli offered to pay for the Dom Pérignon. This has been a disheartening time for the government and those who wished it well. The promise of dramatic change has been overshadowed

The Spectator is looking for a political cartoonist

Here’s your chance to have your illustrations featured in The Spectator.  We’re looking for fresh, funny, and original work. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, this is your opportunity to submit your work, as we invite new cartoonists to join our ranks. Picture the cover of The Spectator. What would you put

Letters: AI isn’t the only threat to middle-class jobs

Poetic licence Sir: As a Welshman well-used to the prejudice and insults to which our ancient language and its speakers are often subjected, I read Lloyd Evans’s article (‘Language barrier’, 5 October) with some trepidation. Mercifully, my fears were allayed by a generally even-handed summary of some of the thorny issues that inspire debate in


       for Chris Spedding When most eyes still linger on the singer, he’s picked out of the shadows into a cone of light. No other way would he have it: More silver quiff than white, thank you, more Cochran, Vincent, defo more Elvis! Like a thing dug out of a plumber’s sack his brass slide

‘No win, no fee’ has no place in war zones

The guilty plea of the former human rights lawyer Phil Shiner this week to charges of fraud is a story that deserves considerable attention. Shiner had tried to claim £200,000 in legal aid without disclosing that – in the breach of the rules – he had employed an agent to cold-call potential ‘victims’ of mistreatment