The Spectator
Postcode 2
‘Hmm ...I don’t like the look of your postcode.’

Speech 3
‘I’m demonstrating in support of free speech but you’ve got to be so careful what you say these days.’
Hard Working
‘Can we stop being a hard-working family now?’

Teeth 2
‘OK, I’ll do something about my snoring if you agree to sleep with your mouth closed.’

‘To hell and back? Standard off-peak return, any time or season?’
Bishop 4
‘Of course, she won’t be paid as much as a male bishop.’

‘The Greeks have a word for it.’
Archers 2
‘Not now — it’s The Archers.’

‘This is on my list of places to see before you die.’
Vicar 7
‘Oh dear! The vicar’s been radicalised.’

‘Great app! It shows you the pavement ahead, so you can see where you’re going.’

Spectator letters: Degrees, dishwashers, and charity catfights
What’s a degree worth? Sir: Mark Mason’s article (‘Uni’s out’, 24 January) hits the nail on the head. A brief addendum: it is generally stated that graduates earn more over a lifetime than non-graduates — obviously a selling point to would-be students. This claim may be true in a very crude sense, but is meaningless without certain
Female bishops are very, very old news
Female bishops The Reverend Libby Lane was ordained as Bishop of Stockport, the Church of England’s first female bishop. — By the time the first 32 female C of E vicars were ordained in 1994, the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts had had a female bishop, Barbara Harris, for five years. — Yet the first Anglican

Calling the Green party socialist is an insult to socialists
The Green party has been likened to a watermelon: green on the outside and red on the inside. But that is to do a huge injustice to generations of socialists and communists. Misguided though they were in many of their ideas, nobody could accuse them of actively seeking to make society poorer. That, however, is

Portrait of the week | 29 January 2015
Home Party leaders mercilessly launched 100 days of campaigning before the general election on 7 May. David Cameron, the Conservative leader, said he would reduce the annual maximum household receipt of welfare to £23,000 from the current limit of £26,000. Ed Miliband announced a ten-year plan for the National Health Service, but Alan Milburn, a

Books and arts – 29 January 2015

The Spectator at war: What is wrong with Germany?
From ‘What is Wrong With Germany?‘, The Spectator, 30 January 1915: If the inquiry is to be pushed to the ultimate point, what is wrong with the Germans is their dreadful, their slavish devotion to Logic— to the “Absolute” and to Abstractions. When Englishmen create an Abstraction they do not call upon all mankind to

From the archives | 29 January 2015
From ‘Reprisals’, The Spectator, 30 January 1915: There has been a tendency among some newspapers, and perhaps still more among private persons, to demand that the murder of non-combatants on the East Coast by German ships of war and Zeppelins should be visited with reprisals. ‘Murder is murder,’ they say in so many words, and
The Spectator at war: Crime and punishment
From ‘Reprisals’, The Spectator, 30 January 1915 THERE has been a tendency among some newspapers, and perhaps still more among private persons, to demand that the murder of non-combatants on the East Coast by German ships of war and Zeppelins should be visited with reprisals. “Murder is murder,” they say in so many words, and