The Spectator

Letters | 21 May 2015

Soldiering on Sir: Max Hastings’s article about demobbed army officers trying for a job after the war struck a chord (‘Demob unhappy’, 16 May). The problem prevailed. I left as a captain many years later in 1978. The local vicar asked what I was going to do with myself, adding scornfully, ‘Go into commerce, I

Portrait of the week | 21 May 2015

Home The annual rate of inflation turned negative in April, for the first time since 1960, with deflation of 0.1 per cent as measured by the Consumer Prices Index, so that a basket of goods and services that cost £100 in April 2014 would have cost £99.90 in April 2015. But, measured by the Retail

Isis rising

[audioplayer src=”″ title=”Fraser Nelson and Freddy Gray discuss the march of the Islamic State” startat=1785] Listen [/audioplayer]In recent months, as the country went through a general election, our focus has been on our own domestic debates. Meanwhile, the situation in Iraq has deteriorated significantly. After intense fighting, the jihadist group Isis has now taken the

National government

From ‘A National Government’, Spectator, 22 May 1915: When we wrote last week there seemed little possibility that our hopes for the formation of a National Government would be fulfilled. Yet on Tuesday a National Government was in process of construction… We have followed the Roman example. We have named a Dictator — but we

The Spectator at war: Trialling terror

From ‘The Trial Runs‘, The Spectator, 22 May 1915: LONDON is busy with rumours just now as to an imminent air raid upon the capital by German aircraft. It may be that some definite piece of information has leaked out of Germany, but it is just as likely that the rumours are due to one

The Spectator at war: Munitions, men and management

From ‘A National Government‘, The Spectator, 22 May 1915: We are not going to say anything about the mistakes of the past. They are not merely dead. They are buried. We have got to think only of the future. It is obvious that the construction of a National Government, however ideal in appearance, will be

The Spectator at war: National Government

From ‘News of the Week‘, The Spectator, 22 May 1915: We have named a Dictator to finish the war. The Dictatorship, it is true, is in commission, but none the less it is a Dictatorship. The new National Government will be all-powerful. Let us hasten to say that this will not make their task or

The Spectator at war: Outrages in Belgium

From ‘German outrages in Belgium‘, The Spectator, 15 May 1915: TOWARDS the end of last year the Prime Minister appointed a Committee to inquire into the outrages committed by German troops during the present war, and the Report of the Committee was issued on Wednesday. As the Committee indicate, the inference to be drawn is

The Spectator at war: Standing at ease

From ‘Standing at Ease‘, The Spectator, 15 May 1915: It is a contradiction in terms, but we think it is true to experience, to say that certain people in distress never stand at ease but when they are working hard. They are as a rule people of very strong will. “Attention!” they shout at their own

Podcast special: can Nigel Farage survive the Ukip wars?

In this View from 22 special podcast, Fraser Nelson and Sebastian Payne discuss the ongoing Ukip wars with Laura Pitel from The Times. Can Nigel Farage survive as leader? Is there still a conflict between Team Farage and other tribes within the party? And what role has Douglas Carswell played, if any, in the briefing wars? You can