Wine 2
‘Life is a Cabernet, old chum.’

‘Life is a Cabernet, old chum.’
‘White wine cancelling red wine refers to stains, not breathalysers.’
‘Death by chocolate? Certainly, sir, coming up.’
‘And this little piggy went — actually, you don’t want to know.’
‘Hurry up, woman — the rugby’s on in five minutes!’
‘Control freak.’
‘Is everything OK? You haven’t photographed your food.’
‘I’m afraid Doreen and Frank are going through a bit of a rough patch at the moment.’
‘Tim treated me like a little girl, so I shopped him to the police straight away.’
‘Martin’s mindfulness classes have taught him to be aware of what’s going on in his body.’
Have faith, Nick Sir: Rarely have I read an article as powerful as Nick Cohen’s (‘Why I left’, 19 September). As a lifelong Tory, all I feel qualified to say is that I think I understand. I am certain, however, that Messrs Corbyn, McDonnell et al will soon be consumed by the fire of their
Available for parties Labour deputy leader Tom Watson said that leaving his party to join the Liberal Democrats would be like ‘leaving the Beatles to join a Bananarama tribute band’. Is there such a thing? Bananaruma is a Leicester-based band led by the head of arts at a local secondary school. They advertise an hour-long
On Tuesday, Pope Francis set foot in the United States for the first time in his life. His plane touched down at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland, where American presidents depart and arrive on Air Force One. But, according to a Spanish journalist on the papal plane, this was not how Francis had wanted to
Home In a speech at the Shanghai stock exchange, George Osborne, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, announced a feasibility study into the trading of Chinese and British shares in both countries. At least half of all British banknotes in circulation are held overseas or used in the black market, a Bank of England report suggested.