Witches 5
‘I think next year just a little more wool of bat.’

‘I think next year just a little more wool of bat.’
‘That’s over for another year — we’ve passed the annual stress test.’
‘As a junior shepherd, I refuse to attend the nativity at the weekend.’
‘This looks like the right place.’
‘Do you mind if some students watch while I rake in loads of money and refuse to lend you any?’
‘Now all we need is some money.’
‘Now, Dasher! Now, Dancer! Now, Prancer and Vixen! On, Comet! On, Cupid! On, Donner and Blitzen!’
‘Wow! What’s your secret?’
‘And have you been good?’
‘Ah, so this is the real Christmas Island.’
‘Oh, him? That’s just Secret Santa.’
‘Hello, fire brigade? My cat is stuck up a tree…’
‘We’ve put in a basement swimming pool.’