

Steerpike is The Spectator's gossip columnist, serving up the latest tittle tattle from Westminster and beyond. Email tips to or message @MrSteerpike

Watch: minister squirms on rising tax burden

Oh dear. As the Conservative £2,000 tax claim continues to implode, poor Bim Afolami has been sent out on the airwaves to prop up his party. Only Sky News aren’t taking his defence quite as well as he might have hoped.  ‘How much has tax gone up under the Conservatives over the last parliament term,


Listen: Ashworth slams Sunak’s debate ‘lies’

Well, well, well. The gloves are off in the election campaign after Rishi Sunak accused his Labour opponent Keir Starmer of plotting a £2,000 tax grab. Both Conservative and Labour politicians have launched into heated post-match analysis following that claim which was made in Tuesday night’s ITV leaders’ debate — and they’ve taken their spin

‘Livid’ ex-Labour candidate resigns from party

Another day, another drama. Labour has been thrown back into the spotlight after deselected candidate Faiza Shaheen today announced her resignation from Sir Keir’s party in a rather scathing — and detailed — Twitter post. Shaheen was originally the selected for the Chingford and Woodford Green seat — but just last week, the left-wing candidate


Farage doused in drink during Clacton trip

Reform’s new leader Nigel Farage has been busy wooing crowds in Clacton as he launched his election campaign in the Essex seaside constituency this lunchtime. But the visit didn’t go off without a hitch for poor Nige, whose trip was rather rudely ruined by a bystander who threw a drink at the politician as he


BBC in bother as pundit accused of antisemitism

Back to the blundering BBC, whose latest mishap involves one of the broadcaster’s cricket pundits. Qasim Sheikh, formerly a Scotland international cricketer and a new addition to the Beeb’s sports commentator team, has been accused of antisemitism after sharing some rather controversial social media posts — including an image of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak with


Keegan’s campaign launch confusion

Another day, another Conservative campaign gaffe. This time it involves Education Secretary Gillian Keegan who has enthusiastically thrown her support behind the Tory candidate for Winchester, Flick Drummond. And so excited was Keegan about Drummond’s prospects she turned up to the launch event, um, several hours early. Talk about getting ahead of yourself… Drummond’s launch

Watch: Shapps hangs up after being told he will lose his seat

Oh dear. It’s been another bad day for the Tories. Shortly after Nigel Farage announced his return as leader of Reform, the first YouGov MRP poll of 50,000 voters dropped, showing Sunak’s party down to just 140 seats. But for one Conservative, things were about to get even worse. As Sky’s Sam Coates discussed the


Watch: Lib Dems photobomb Sunak event

Can anything go right on Rishi Sunak’s magical mystery tour? Nothing seems to be going right for the Prime Minister as he campaigns around the country, seeking to overturn Labour’s 20-point lead in the polls. Whether it’s attendees rolling their eyes on camera or an ill-advised trip to Belfast’s Titanic Quarter, the PM often seems


David Lammy’s nuclear-level U-turn

Labour is out this morning insisting they can be trusted with national security – honest! Keir Starmer’s latest wheeze is a ‘nuclear deterrent triple lock’ aimed at giving a ‘total commitment to securing the UK’s future nuclear deterrent.’ Such a ground-breaking policy includes such prior commitments as, er, upgrading the current fleet, maintaining a continuous


SNP leader’s bizarre funding plea

The SNP will soon have more election campaign launch events than predicted Westminster seats if it continues at the rate it is going. The party’s latest launch — the third this year — was held in the luxury Radisson Blu hotel in Glasgow on Sunday afternoon, where party activists and political candidates gathered to hear

Tories to amend Equality Act to protect biological sex

The Tories have continued their habit of making a big election pledge at 10:30 p.m every weekend. Last time, it was the reintroduction of national service; this week it is their plans to overhaul the Equality Act. Yes, that’s right, after 14 years in government, the Conservatives have finally decided that it might be worth


Diane Abbott confirms she will stand for Labour

Oh dear. It seems that Diane Abbott has outmanoeuvred Keir Starmer once again. Week one of Labour’s much-vaunted election campaign has been overshadowed by the row over the status of the Hackney North MP. Having lost the Labour whip in April 2023 for her ill-judged Observer letter, Abbott’s status was still unresolved when the campaign


Watch: Yvette Cooper flails over private schools

It seems barely five minutes ago that Mr S was writing up the last exchange between Camilla Tominey and a Labour frontbencher on their plans to put VAT on independent school fees. Back in January, it was Bridget Phillipson, the Shadow Education Secretary, who scored an ‘F’ for her failure to answer Tominey’s questions. Today


Could Diane Abbott go to the Lords?

The Diane Abbott saga rumbles on. After questions over whether the former shadow home secretary would be allowed to stand as a Labour candidate in the election dominated the news agenda this week, Keir Starmer sought to end the media circus on Friday by declaring that the Corbyn ally was ‘free to go forward as

Sir Keir’s private jet hypocrisy

Oh dear. In yet another campaign blunder for Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour leader has been forced to fess up to using a private jet — just hours after taunting Rishi Sunak’s helicopter use. Rules for thee but not for me… The lefty Labour leader flew to Scotland on a private plane to make an


Listen: Peter Kyle’s GB Energy blunder

Uh oh. It’s the first day of Labour’s official GB Energy launch and things haven’t quite got off to a flying start. Sir Keir Starmer is in Scotland this morning to announce plans (including an all-new the website and logo) for his brand new publicly-owned Great British energy company. It’s the third of Labour’s ‘first


Iain Dale pulls out as a Tory candidate

Oh dear. Less than 48 hours after he quit LBC to stand for Tunbridge Wells, Iain Dale has now ruled himself out. In an interview with his former employer this morning, Dale revealed that he had asked for his name to not be included on the candidates’ shortlist after a clip of him disparaging his

Former Tory MP to support Starmer at election

Another day, another defection. This time it’s Mark Logan, now former Conservative MP for Bolton North East, who has announced he will be backing Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour Party at the general election. It’s yet another blow for poor Rishi Sunak who is already facing an exodus of 78 MPs while the Tories remain 20


Watch: Sunak slammed for Partygate during campaign trip

Oh dear. It was only a matter of time before the issue of Partygate came up on the campaign trail and today the Prime Minister was forced to face up to it. On his trip to Buckinghamshire, the first question asked of Rishi Sunak centred on the pandemic, the government-enforced lockdown and the rule-breaking in


Rayner backs Abbott staying on as Labour MP

Another day, another confusing twist in Labour’s stance on Diane Abbott. The ongoing saga has created significant disquiet over the last 48 hours, with Labour’s confusing messaging on the whole thing proving a rather effective distraction from Sir Keir Starmer’s party policies. It’s hardly the best way to kick off your election campaign… First we