Sebastian Payne

Is Obama’s Syria vote a gamechanger? View from 22 special podcast

As the world’s reaction to Syria continues to develop, with Barack Obama’s vote in Congress and talks of a second vote in Parliament, the Spectator’s Douglas Murray, James Forsyth and Isabel Hardman discuss the state of the special relationship, who will be responsible for the eventual outcome in Syria, what Labour and the Tories are thinking about a potential second

George Osborne: I’m still passionate about HS2

George Osborne is not relinquishing his love for High Speed 2 anytime soon. On his welcome return to television this morning, Andrew Marr gave the Chancellor a grilling over the new line. Osborne in return defended the government’s position both on monetary and ideological grounds. With the most recent costings of £50 – 80 billion

Michael Gove’s not-so-gentle reminder to Ed Miliband

Surprise, surprise — Michael Gove doesn’t think much of Ed Miliband. To keep up the momentum on Labour’s summer of discontent, the Education Secretary gave a speech at Conservative HQ this morning, focusing on Labour’s troubled relationship with the trade unions — again. He was clearly enjoying himself as he compared the Labour leader’s present

How much would Labour cost you?

Labour has decided that the cost of living is the best way to attack the Tories while it tries to fathom what its own policies are. This is a rich seam to mine, and the party wants to ask voters whether they are really any better off than they were five years ago. But Ed

The View from 22 — death of the middle class, entrepreneurial gypsies, HS2 and binge drinking

Is the great stabilising force in British society disappearing? On this week’s View from 22 podcast, deputy editor of the Catholic Herald Ed West discusses the strange death of the middle class and why economically, the ‘squeezed middle’ is a valid concern. Is it the government’s fault, and can anything be done to reverse the trend? Author Katharine Quarmby and Freddy Gray also discuss

Will George Osborne be able to push through HS2?

As if many true blue parts of England didn’t dislike the Chancellor enough, today’s Financial Times adds to his misdemeanours renewed support for High Speed 2. Their splash (£) reports that despite fresh concerns from Treasury officials over the sums, George Osborne is still pushing ahead with the new line. According to the pink ‘un,

How the Lobbying Bill may accidentally bring down political bloggers

Is the Lobbying Bill another erratic attempt to censor bloggers? In a similar fashion to the Crime and Courts Act, which almost put blogs under the same umbrella as newspapers for fines, the Transparency of Lobbying, Non-party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Bill has potential implications for charities and ‘third sector’ groups, not just political