Rod Liddle

Rod Liddle

Rod Liddle is associate editor of The Spectator.

Our deepening double standards

The conviction of seven Muslim protestors for shouting nasty things at returning British soldiers was a grave and dangerous assault upon freedom of speech. I don’t care how foul the men are, or how provocative their beards might be, nor how smug they appeared on the court steps after the verdict – it was still

Still more weather forecasts

This, from Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the Climatic Research Centre at the University of East Anglia: “Within a few years winter snowfall in Britain will become a very rare and exciting event. Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.” March, 2000. Ah, the joy of knowing the difference between

More weather with Marcus

Don’t say you weren’t warned. Britain is now in the grip of a “whiteout”; schools closed, essential services hindered, lonely pensioners dying of starvation in their garrets. Exactly as I predicted last year, the white blanket covering Britain now is the consequence of thousand upon thousand of polar bear pelts which have floated southwards on

Today’s weather with Marcus Brigstocke

Marcus says: “It’s going to be very mild, more like early April than January. There will be no snow. The average temperature will be 16 degrees centigrade, with a fifty per cent chance of monsoon style rain. Later the temperatures will drop to about 14 degrees, giving the earth some brief respite. Polar bears dead

Rod Liddle

Questioning the Climate Change Establishment

So, this is now the coldest winter for thirty years and the snow is likely to hang around for two weeks, maybe three. How does this square with last year’s prediction from eminent scientists – the Met, the UAE change-the-numbers-monkeys, Marcus Brigstocke etc – that 2010 was going to be the hottest year on record?

Law might be absurd, but all must be equal before it

Apologies for having been a bit remiss on the blogging front recently – I’ve been busy panic-buying groceries from the local supermarkets. I saw this cold snap coming. The Daily Mail this morning says that Britain is running out of food, energy, money, etc etc and that we are all going to die. One way

Another Islamist succeeds only in burning his balls

Bang! ‘Mr Schuringa then saw a ‘burning object’ – which he said resembled a small, white shampoo bottle – between the student’s legs. Mr Schuringa said: ‘It was smoking and there were flames coming from beneath his legs. I pulled the object from him and tried to extinguish the fire with my hands then threw

How To Cook A Robin

There’s a story in some of today’s newspapers that evil Cypriots are murdering our robins and eating them. Crucially, for me, it does not say which Cypriots. The Greeks and Turks have the second and third worst cuisines in Europe (the Scotch are at the bottom) and there is not much to choose between them.

A brave, principled and decent man

Balochistan grabbed your attention this week? I thought not. It’s in Pakistan and the ethnic Balochs – especially pro-secessionists – suffer the most appalling persecution from the Pakistani government and military. I know about this only because I received one of my regular emails from the Peter Tatchell Human Rights Watch organization (which is basically

Hypocrites, all of ’em

I’m not sure what is worse. The two-and-a-half year prison sentence handed down to homeowner Munir Hussain for hammering a robber over the head with a cricket bat (and the fact that the man who robbed him and tortured his family got off with a supervision order), or the profusion of impeccably middle class libtard

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas

Zippedy doo-dah, Zippedy-ay My oh my what a wonderful day Plenty of sunshine heading my way, Zippedy doo-dah, Zippedy-ay Yyeeeeeeesssssssss! Back of the net!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let’s all go out to celebrate, get really hammered! Drinks on me. The news is true, you didn’t dream it – Sir Liam Donaldson has resigned! A giant ginger monkey has

Mary Seacole update

Shocking news – a big concert to raise money for the Mary Seacole Statue Appeal last week was cancelled at short notice, no reason given. I’ve tried to find out why from the Mary Seacole cheerleader-in-chief, Mrs Elizabeth Anionwu, but have not heard back from her yet. But still, on the positive side, a “miniature

Were the Russians behind the Climategate hacking?<br />

So, who was responsible for the illegal hacking of those Climategate emails? I’m a bit out of my depth here; in the cyberville school I’m in the special needs class, possessed of no understanding or ability. But it would be good to find out, wouldn’t it? Or do those ultra-sceptics among you not give a

Win the Ashes, get ignored

Does anyone remember the England cricket team? Roger Alton makes the very good point in his Spectator sport column this week, while flicking through the runners and riders for this year’s Sports Personality of the Year, that really the England captain Andrew Strauss should win: “…but it seems we’ve almost forgotten that we regained the

Rod Liddle

Don’t get so worked up — it’s only a blog

I’m not sure how many members of the London Labour party I’ve met over the last 20 years or so. A thousand? Must be something like that. Sitting in local authority buildings which smell slightly of gas, the night outside cold and damp, ploughing through an interminable agenda of candidate selections; or down the pub

An apology and some other stuff…

I think I owe my colleague Hugo Rifkind an apology for my comments about his piece on climate change a week or so ago. I think I said that he was a gibbering idiot, a lice-ridden whore and the source of all evil in the western world, I can’t remember exactly – something typically measured.

Swivel-eyed maniacs

Be careful what you wish for, it might just come true. For a long time now, those of you sceptical about man-made climate change have urged the BBC News to be more balanced in its coverage; that the corporation is prone to ignore sceptical voices and merely run and endless procession of Roger Harrabin and

Magnificent hypocrisy

A pleasure to welcome Diane Abbott to the debate, despite the defamations. There is nothing remotely racist in my blog about the attempted murder of a fifteen year old girl. My argument is much as it has always been; that the creed of multiculturalism is largely to blame, the notion that cultures, no matter how