Alexa… tell Amazon you’re not working
‘Alexa... tell Amazon you’re not working.’

‘Alexa... tell Amazon you’re not working.’
‘I love the All You Can Eat buffets.’
‘No difference. I’ve always WFH’
‘It’s OK, you’re allowed to meet for exercise with one other person from one other household.’
‘And your special subject is: Covid government guidance and rules, November-December 2020.’
‘I’m drinking from home again.’
‘Hurry up, or he’ll have his weevil way with her.’
St Paul’s Damascene conversion (St Paul goes into the attic)
‘I hope the press get here soon. I can’t keep this up all night.’
‘I told you you had more chance of being run over by a bus than of catching Covid.’
'Must be the butcher’s dog they’re all talking about.'
‘I thought we’d made that rule particularly clear.’
Life class — 1 million BC
‘She used to take everything off.’
‘Sorry, boys, but you’re going to have to leave your contact details at the door.’
Sausage roll models
Bad news, Marshal. The Denver coach has been held up again.’
‘Now there’s a surprise.’