
2524: Spelean II

Clockwise round the grid from 20 runs a quotation minus one word (1,2,4,4,4,1,4,1,5,4,4,9) followed by an honest servant’s name. Unclued lights exemplify the missing word. The source of the quotation appears in the completed grid and must be shaded. Across 9 Charlie neglected very famous philosopher (5) 10 Boxer a little below par offering excuse

2521: Leading question

Unclued lights can be arranged so that, preceded by ‘What is’, they form a question whose answer solvers must shade. Ignore a hyphen. Across 1 Matlows flying from atelier on fire in hacienda (11, three words) 11 Fish swimming again around noon (6) 13 First son wrestles with eighth (7) 15 A punch followed by

2515: Paragon

Unclued lights (including three of two words and two pairs) suggest various versions of a name given by a pair of successive clued lights which solvers must shade. Elsewhere, ignore an accent. Across 12 Excited oxen pressing round me in poet’s garment (7) 13 Minotaur’s cross (3) 15 Believer in divine wisdom shows photo she

2512: Impertinence

Clockwise round the grid from 34 run the answers (6,6,5, 11,4,3,7,4) (one hyphened) to eight riddles followed by the riddler’s name. Two pairs of unclued lights give the name of the riddler’s brother and the nature of the riddler. Shaded squares will give the letters of a relevant name. Elsewhere, ignore an accent. Across 7

2506: Summer’s voice

Ten unclued lights (including four pairs) are of a kind. Ignore two hyphens and an apostrophe. What could have induced this puzzle will appear diagonally in the completed grid and must be shaded. Across 1 Eminent composer gives great cellist inspiration (7) 9 Sin doesn’t start somewhere in church (4) 12 Piece of lead turned

2503: Applery

Six unclued lights are the names of traditional English county towns with one letter misprinted so as to form new words. The correct letters could give 26, examples of which are 1A, 17 and 22A. Across 7 Sound of kitten in hiding-place (3) 11 Mechanical playwright heard E strings (6) 13 Aberdonian angler with chatter

2496: Depart Paddington

Clockwise round the grid from 3 run seven dramatis personae; unclued lights give anagrams of two more. The play’s title will appear in the completed grid and must be shaded. Ignore two apostrophes. Across 8 Dauntless bishop stops teen dude dressing up (10) 9 Troy fell in this manner (4) 10 Bury takes on Italian

2493: Opposites

Two contrasting film stars allegedly said ‘1A’ (five words) and ‘49/27’ (six words in total). Remaining unclued lights (including one of three words and two pairs) give the birthplace of one and the place where the other died and the titles of two films in which they starred. Solvers must shade the two clued lights

2487: Birthday boys II

December 12th was the birthday of two famous men. Unclued lights (including one of five words, one of two words and a pair totalling four words) give their surnames, two examples of each one’s work, and the birthplace of one. The birth-place (7) of the other will appear in the completed grid and must be

2483: In my soup

Unclued lights are defined by extra words in ten clues and are anagrams of ten of a kind. Elsewhere, ignore an apostrophe. Across 9 Medic with hate for compound medication (4)12 Leper snubbed lethargic Arab (5)13 Mark is very into Islay’s liquor (5)14 A software user acquiring flash technology (5)16 Rugged harrier names ruthless smuggler

2478: Namesakes

Clockwise round the grid from 3 run three song titles (totalling 13 words) with 3D/16 (five words in all) giving a fourth. The lyrics of the first two songs were written by someone sharing a surname with the lyricist of the other two. This name (6) will appear in the completed grid and must be

2475: Poem VI

Unclued lights are ten words taken from a poem quoted in ODQ. The poet’s name (two words) will appear diagonally in the completed grid and must be shaded. Across 1 Raise a fuss about street urchins (8) 11 Mercury, say, in the sky (7) 12 Joanna shrinks following advance of insects (5) 13 Musician’s fine

2469: Breadth

Unclued lights are anagrams of Shakespearean characters. These lights are defined by surplus words in eight clues. Across 1 Recreational areas exhibit special advantages (13, two words) 9 Athletic blue bound by IOU? As if! (7, three words) 11 Muddling along with me, my monkey and ape matter (7) 14 How Wasps may be: Anglo-Saxon

2466: Gender bender

Clockwise round the grid from 11 run, in chronological order, the titles (7,7,7,9,2,8,2,10) of five works by an author whose original name was 25/40/5/16. Solvers must shade the two clued lights that give the author’s nom de plume. Twenty-five special clues contain a definition and a concealed letter mixture of the light. Elsewhere, ignore an

2460: Sleaze

The same word appears as seven headwords in Chambers. Unclued lights (including two pairs and one of three words, one of two) indicate the meaning of six of them. The word (4) will appear in the completed grid and must be shaded. Across 9 Half-dead ryot’s thirsty (4)11 Fit PM adopts Latin not a little

2457: Beginning

Unclued lights (including one of two words) suggest a section of a sequence whose final member will appear in the completed grid and must be shaded. Across 1 Theseus at last goes in to batter brute (5)4 Crossed children’s author dogged by pressman (9)9 Alkaloids exist with the smell of ale (almost) (10)11 Head king

2451: Cretinous

Unclued lights are anagrams of ten of a kind. Elsewhere, ignore an accent. Across 9 A model cure fixed skin condition (10)14 Lass bumpkin snubbed (3)16 Prisoner saves rodent a piece of crust (6)17 Found tree blocking highway (5)18 Baseballer’s innings in Somerset city curtailed (5, hyphened)20 Sliding in dicky part of church (7) 22

2448: Issues

Four pairs of unclued lights (17/5, 22/27, 29/31 and 8/26) form anagrams of the titles (one hyphened, three of three words) of novels by an author whose name is clued without definition. Across 1 Apportioning silver crooked nursemaid pinched (11)7 Being in French city without local friend (3)11 Sickness in Vermont and Maine infected America

2442: Don’t nod

Eight unclued lights are of a kind with the 3 of the 30. Elsewhere, ignore two accents.   Across 1    Nick is sound (5) 10    Category containing almost pure red rose (rambling) (10) 11    Universal spirit and life-force in Chinese city (6) 14    Lass did it, backed not by Pabulum (5) 15    Bill brightened retired

2439: More nuts

‘10/17’ give the first three words of a statement (in ODQ) made by a famous 48/21. His works include 1A/23D (four words in total) and The 44. His forename is the remaining unclued light; the puzzle’s title suggests his surname. The fourth word (hyphened) of the statement will appear diagonally in the grid and must