Break glass

‘Oh no – the Messiah has a Farage complex!’
‘I wouldn’t want to be Tesla’s head of sales’
‘Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it’s off to woke we go.’
‘I’m off to America where they don’t mind if you’re a dangerous misogynist.’
‘Unfortunately we can’t afford a gun to go with it.’
‘I refuse to turn water into non-alcoholic wine.’
‘Welcome to assisted dying – or to give it its correct title, the NHS.’
‘But what if you turn into a useful idiot?’
‘Panic over – he had gone to see The Brutalist.’
‘You’ve been cleared for takeoff.’
‘Death, War – meet Artificial Intelligence.’
‘When my husband heard about Gerry Adams getting compensation, he exploded.’
‘Are we keeping the public out or the convicted felon in?’
‘It’s so cold and bleak, Donald Trump may want to buy us.’
‘Who DOES God think he is? Elon Musk?’
‘Our numbers are 173% accurate!’
‘Tell yonder peasant that the winter fuel allowance is cancelled.’
‘May I remind the audience to turn mobile phones on.’
‘A few inappropriate remarks and it was back to waiting tables.’