Nick Cohen

Nick Cohen

Nick Cohen is the author of What's Left and You Can't Read This Book.

Tunisia? <em>Tunisia!</em> Who would have thunked it!

I’ve a piece in the Jewish Chronicle about how there was a great story in Tunisia that no one reported. As I say, ‘Every morning I read The Times, the Guardian, the Telegraph, the Financial Times and the Independent. I stay with the Today programme until Radio 4 drives me away by insulting my intelligence

The American Right’s Problem

I never thought I would write this but Sarah Palin had a point when she said that she was a victim of a “blood libel”. The Left has gone wild and criticised her for implying she was on the receiving end of murderous anti-Semitism – the blood libel is the allegation that Jews delighted in murdering

Nick Cohen

Liberal England dies again

The Lib Dems’ troubles are a result not only of coalition and foolish promises, but of a resurgence of the old left-right division In 1935, George Dangerfield published The Strange Death of Liberal England, one of those rare histories that survive long after the author’s death. The elegance and vigour of his description of Edwardian

‘Far-left’ and ‘far-right’: distinctions without differences

In my Observer column today, I talk about the growing repression in Hungary and my dislike of the terms “far right” and “far left”. Look for divergences between them and all you find are distinctions without differences. Dictatorial movements in Europe are merging; apparent opposites are turning out to be the same. The rather brave

Reformers for the Ancien Regime

Over on Coffee House my colleague Dan Hodges notes that a large chunk of the Parliamentary Labour Party has come out against AV, and speculates that their stand will help the “No” campaign.   So it may, but he is missing the true danger to the “Yes” campaign, which lies with its friends rather than

Michael and Me

I have had an email from someone called webguy @ – who may be the great propagandist himself or perhaps one of his “people” – saying that the US State Department’s claim that the Cuban communists banned Sicko is false. (“Nick, The government cable’s claim that Sicko was banned in Cuba is false. Would

Michael Moore: Stupid White Man

An elderly and very left wing friend told me a couple of years ago that he was delighted to be visiting Cuba for the first time. “Be careful,” I said, “remember this is a country without political or economic freedom, where the desperate population tries everything from drug selling to prostitution to stay alive. Don’t

Lucky Sweden?

A repulsive feature of contemporary left-wing thinking is its insistence that clerical fascists should dictate our foreign policy. After the 7/7 attacks on London, Robert Fisk lambasted Tony Blair for saying that radical Islamists were trying to destroy “what we hold dear”. He took Osama bin Laden as a source of moral and political guidance,

The Death of Gentlemanly Government

It seems like only yesterday that conservative pundits were denouncing MPs for “destroying trust” with their fraudulent expense claims and writing books exposing New Labour deceitful spin with such stirring titles as The Rise of Political Lying. How soft those strident voices have become now that a centre-right rather than a centre-left government is doing

The Illiberal Democrats

I would be taking high-mindedness too far if I were to say that the press is missing the real point of the Mike Hancock story. I cannot blame editors for falling to their knees and thanking whatever gods there may be for giving them the tale of how a bearded old man hired a gorgeous

The official indulgence of Islamism in East London

Imagine that the British National Party controls a church and community centre in the East End of London. Imagine that it receives respectful visits from politicians, and grants from local and national government. Imagine that Prince Charles extends his already unhinged beliefs in pseudo-science and homeopathic quackery to include neo-fascist race theory, and signals his

Why the poor loathe the Coalition

Conservative readers still don’t understand why the Coalition is hated in the poor areas of Britain. They would grasp the loathing better if they went back through the arguments they made in opposition, and realised that their leaders have failed to follow through the logic of the ideas they once espoused. The best Tory criticism

Labour’s problem with the media

On the Today programme this morning an incredulous John Humprhys could not believe Ed Miliband’s suggestion that the “squeezed middle” consisted of people earning a bit above or a bit below £26,000. The Institute of Fiscal Studies might have told Humprhys that this was indeed the band in the middle of British society, and that

Political Correctness (Not Nearly Mad Enough)

The decision of the United Nations last week to exclude gays from a special resolution condemning extrajudicial, arbitrary and summary executions did not receive the attention it deserved. The United Nations is still the object of wistful and on occasion Utopian hopes from those who do not realise that it can never be a moral

Nick Clegg and the Jilted Bride

The Lib Dem press office is one of the sorriest sights in Westminster. A handful of untrained party officers are dealing with a wave of hostility nothing in their right-thinking, left-leaning lives has prepared them for. They thought that they were good. For as long as they can remember everyone they have met has assured

Nick Cohen

Good Afternoon

This is my first post for the Spectator. In the coming months I hope to be writing about the fight for liberal and democratic values in Britain – don’t worry I am not a Liberal Democrat, they are either sitting out the great struggles of our time or on the wrong side – culture, politics