Melanie McDonagh

Melanie McDonagh

Melanie McDonagh is an Irish journalist working in London.

The mystery of Mothering Sunday

Among the treats the mothers of Britain can look forward to on Mothering Sunday there are some rum offerings. A company called Nosh Detox is offering a hamper including something called a Nux Vom drink, and the Guardian has helpfully drawn up a list of mother-related films you only take your mother to if you

If I were Richard Dawkins, I’d count my blessings

It reflects rather well on Richard Dawkins that he still hasn’t joined his followers – the religious connotations of the word are intentional – in objecting to the Church of England tweet on Friday about praying for his recovery from a stroke. Prayers for Prof Dawkins and his family — The Church of England

This tale about a pastor, a priest and an imam gives me hope

Pastor James McConnell is back in business as an Evangelical preacher having been found not guilty on a couple of slightly obscure charges (improper use of a public electronic communications network and causing a grossly offensive message to be sent by means of a public electronic communications network). But the gist of the thing was

The best children’s authors of 2015 — after David Walliams

The easy way round buying books for children at Christmas is just to get them the latest David Walliams and have done with it. And indeed, Grandpa’s Great Escape (Harper Collins, £12.99), about the sympathetic friendship of a grandfather and grandson, is funny, productive of intergenerational goodwill and spikily illustrated by Tony Ross, though, as

The best way to show solidarity with Paris? Visit

Well, the nice thing is that Je Suis Parisienne is a bit more chic than Je Suis Charlie when it comes to Making a Stand slogans, though in my case there is the qualifier – if only. There’s something enormously poignant about mass murder in a city  where the arts of elegance are esteemed so

Who isn’t genderfluid?

Even yew trees are at it. It seems the ancient Fortingall Yew in Perthshire, which everyone had assumed to be male, is bearing berries and is therefore, at least in part, female. Dr Max Coleman of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, observed: ‘The rest of the tree was clearly male. One small branch in the

The brutality of China’s one-child policy is still shocking

So, China’s Communist Party has radically modified its one-child policy in favour of a one-or-two-child policy. For most politically minded Brits, it was a useful reminder that the policy actually existed. It has, says the Communist party with characteristic opacity, prevented about 400 million births in the decades since its introduction in 1979.  Some 330