Not a word about my strike plans
‘Not a word about my strike plans.’

‘Not a word about my strike plans.’
‘I stopped sharing intelligence with him.’
‘It’s leasehold.’
‘He ruined it with too many spin-offs.’
‘He wants a seat at the table.’
‘It’s just us so this must be hell.’
‘I want to be funny and happy.’
‘I put my life on paws.’
‘I know things look bad now but they will get worse.’
‘It makes us sound a little desperate.’
‘Do you really want to know?’
‘Instead of a gift, I got you an experience.’
‘You missed your green targets.’
‘We’ve become the story.’
‘I’m continually surprised by what goes viral.’
‘There will be some pain and some growth.’
‘It’s grown organically’
‘I threatened to intervene.’
‘There are just times when you have to hope for the best.’
‘You can go now.’