I’m worried about how much time he spends online
‘I’m worried about how much time he spends online. Do you think we should Google it?’

‘I’m worried about how much time he spends online. Do you think we should Google it?’
‘He’s finding it hard being away from his phone for the first time.’
‘Watching at home on a screen just isn’t the same.’
‘It sleeps a lot and isn’t cheap to feed, but I think every home should have one.’
‘She believes in freedom of expression, apart from her face.’
‘I don’t have room in my life for another app right now.’
‘Worrying about my sleep quality on this tracker is keeping me awake.’
‘He disappeared right after we put him on a vegan diet.’
‘I love getting back to nature. It makes great content.’
‘When I said I enjoy looking back through history, I meant my search history.’
‘I might have been there. Let me check my photos.’
‘We have nothing in common. Our Instagram feeds are so different.’
‘I can’t move back in with my parents as they’ve already moved back in with their parents.’
‘Yes, we would like pudding – 5,000 steps and we’ll be back.’