Mark Taubert

Professor Mark Taubert is a hospital consultant based at Velindre Cancer Centre in Cardiff.

Why won’t supporters of assisted dying use the ‘s-word’?

Kim Leadbeater, the Labour MP in charge of the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill currently going through its committee stage, has repeatedly called on Tory MP Danny Kruger not to use the term ‘suicide’ in relation to proposed new laws on assisted dying. This is not the first time proponents of assisted suicide

What Germany can teach the UK about assisted dying

Critics of Labour’s Assisted Dying bill fear that its vagueness means we are heading for trouble. Germany, where assisted suicide is legal, shows what happens when the law fails to spell out exactly what is allowed. In 2020, Germany’s federal constitutional court decriminalised assisted suicide, deciding that a patient’s autonomy must be the overriding concern

The uncomfortable truth about assisted dying

This week, the Labour MP Kim Leadbeater finally put forward the much-awaited bill on assisted dying, which will likely be discussed in the coming weeks. Supporters of the bill have been campaigning on the issue for years, with legislation on the topic most recently rejected by the House of Commons in 2015. This bill, however,