‘Oh will you stop doomscrolling!’

‘Oh will you stop doomscrolling!’
‘Please mind the gap between your income and the cost of rail travel.’
‘We don’t say mad, Caspar – they’re March hares with complex mental health issues.’
‘I want something that will raise a few eyebrows.’
Hide and DeepSeek
‘I’m not sure about this rewilding initiative.’
‘It’s a feedback form from the Wise Men – how would we rate the gifts?’
‘You’re required to complete forms X24C and X25(F) for every household you visit.’
‘I’m not convinced this is going to work.’
‘It’s like we’re poles apart.’
‘Instead of presents, I’m giving you an experience – not having any presents.’
‘What pairs well with eye of newt and toe of frog?’
‘To be honest, I was expecting more than this.’
‘Soup, anyone?’
‘It’s not you, Marvin – I just need spice.’