James Forsyth

James Forsyth

James Forsyth is former political editor of The Spectator.

Crash course: how the Truss revolution came off the road

Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng wanted to shake things up. They were radicals in a hurry, keen to show that Britain was under new economic management. Theirs would be an unapologetic pro-growth agenda: no more genuflection in front of failed orthodoxies, no more being paralysed by fear or criticism. As a sign of this, they

Is Truss back on track?

13 min listen

Liz Truss has today delivered her speech to the Conservative Party Conference where she set out the vision for her government. It was arguably the best moment of a difficult week for the party. Has she succeeded in calming Tory nerves? Who are the ‘anti-growth coalition’ that she is taking on?  Isabel Hardman speaks to

Is Truss facing another rebellion?

11 min listen

Liz Truss is coming under pressure over another of her policies. Should she increase benefits payments in line with inflation, or in line with earnings, as she would prefer? Will the PM change her mind again? Katy Balls speaks to Fraser Nelson and James Forsyth. Produced by Max Jeffery.

Are the Tories in the business of managing decline?

11 min listen

Kwasi Kwarteng has just spoken at the Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham defending his mini-Budget, despite having u-turned on the cut to the 45p tax rate this morning. Will his speech have calmed his fellow Tories and, more importantly, the markets?  Katy Balls speaks with James Forsyth, Kate Andrews and Isabel Hardman.  Produced by Max

James Forsyth

Why has Truss u-turned?

13 min listen

The Prime Minister has abandoned her plan to scrap the top 45 per cent rate of income tax. Why? Katy Balls speaks to Fraser Nelson and James Forsyth. Produced by Max Jeffery.

James Forsyth

Is Truss still prepared to be unpopular?

The U-turn on the abolition of the 45p tax rate marks the end of the first phase of the Truss premiership. Truss came in declaring that she was prepared to do ‘unpopular’ things, that she was going to smash through the consensus and put economics ahead of political optics. Her retreat on 45p signals the

James Forsyth

Even Liz Truss’s closest allies are nervous

There is a slightly odd atmosphere at Tory conference in Birmingham. Those who should be striding around triumphantly are instead rather nervous. One of Liz Truss’s closest ideological allies was quick to stress to me that while they might have shaped the thrust of the new Prime Minister’s ideas, they weren’t responsible for their execution

Why Liz Truss can’t back down

Is there a way for the government to get out of the mess that it is in? This is the question obsessing ministers and Tory MPs. If the government doesn’t set out how it intends to square the circle, it’ll be risking more market mayhem. But as I say in the Times today, it is

James Forsyth

Liz Truss’s mea culpa moment

11 min listen

Despite rejecting the Office for Budget Responsibility’s offer of a forecast to accompany last week’s so-called fiscal event, this morning it appears that the government have u-turned. What can we expect from the OBR’s statement ahead of the November budget? Also on the podcast, after last night’s YouGov poll put Labour ahead by 33 points,

Could Truss axe Kwarteng?

23 min listen

Liz Truss broke her silence this morning and embarked on a pre-Tory conference media round of regional stations across the UK. In a brutal set of interviews, the Prime Minister faced questions on tax cutting the rich at the expense of the poor, fracking and bankers’ bonuses. With conference just three days away, what will be

How high a price will Truss pay?

This year’s Conservative party conference was supposed to be a moment of celebration for the new Tory leader. Instead there is a sense of mounting alarm. Liz Truss’s radicalism has been met with something approaching panic by both the markets and the public. The Bank of England has had to intervene in the gilts market

James Forsyth

Why is the Bank of England buying gilts?

18 min listen

The Bank of England has today announced a major intervention into gilts to prevent a ‘material risk’ to financial stability as a result of government policy. How unprecedented is this move? Will Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng break their silence? Are we heading for another leadership election? Kate Andrews speaks with Fraser Nelson and James

James Forsyth

Why is the Bank of England buying gilts?

In a dramatic about-turn, the Bank of England is now intervening in the gilts market to try and calm the reaction to Friday’s fiscal event. It will buy long-dated government gilts for the next two weeks, which will lower the cost of government borrowing. It is also postponing quantitative tightening (i.e. selling the securities it

James Forsyth

Will cyberwar be next?

Neither the Danes nor Nato have made a direct attribution for yesterday’s pipeline damage. But the fingers are pointing at Russia. The thinking goes that Putin was trying to trigger panic in the energy markets by showing that there’ll be no rapid resumption of gas supplies to Europe and by demonstrating how vulnerable this energy

Labour storm ahead of Tories in latest poll

Tonight’s YouGov poll in the Times is brilliant news for Keir Starmer ahead of his conference speech tomorrow. It has Labour 17 points ahead, its biggest lead since the company started polling in 2001. These numbers, following the market reaction to the statement, are an awful start To be sure, the numbers reflect more voter

James Forsyth

Can Kwarteng reassure the markets?

The Treasury has just released a statement saying that a medium term fiscal plan will be delivered by Kwasi Kwarteng on 23 November, accompanied by an Office for Budget Responsibility forecast. This plan will, the Treasury says, set out the government’s fiscal rules and how it intends to ensure debt falls as a percentage of GDP

James Forsyth

How worrying is the falling pound?

19 min listen

Following Chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng’s ‘mini’ budget, the pound has fallen to a record low against the dollar, fueling speculation that the Bank of England will hike interest rates. How worrying are these figures? ‘I think the pound falling is a bit of a distraction from the real problem’ – James Forsyth Katy Balls speaks to Kate

Kwarteng’s audacious budget

17 min listen

Kwasi Kwarteng has today announced what has been dubbed as his mini-Budget, but looking at the scale of the package it is far from small. The Coffee House Shots team take us through what has been revealed. Who are the winners and who are the losers? Katy Balls speaks to Fraser Nelson, James Forsyth and