
2533: Monday’s Child

A nine-word phrase (in five unclued lights, two used twice) opens a work for 1A (three words) by 8 (two words). The work inspired the other two unclued lights.   Across 9 A horse’s bridle eventually just as old (7, three words) 11 Outrageous, a chimney turning half black (7) 12 Army team endlessly tense

2522: A trifle

The unclued lights (one hyphened) have nothing in common.   Across 4 Author Henry’s daughter perhaps (not a son) making a bad slip (11) 11 Hard ball scores for Scots, English not coming back (9) 12 Guess sport returns after a month (5) 13 Frail oracle failing doesn’t bother me (11, four words) 18 Abstracts

2519: Not so up-to-date – solution

The unclued lights can all be preceded by OLD which is the clued solution at 49 Across. ‘Crocks’ at 5 Across was also acceptable. First prize George Walker, Stockport Runners-up Andrew Harris, Hopesay, Shropshire; Sue Pounder, Ashton-under-Lyne, Tameside

2514: Welcome back

Unclued lights (one of two words, the others paired) are of a kind. Across 7 Lace branches left in fruit tree (6) 11 After study, forgetting the year, doubting what William was famous for (10) 13 Appealing to restrain husband’s slide (5) 14 It strengthens bricks originally placed in tower (5, hyphened) 15 Mounted, moving south towards

2504: Collectors’ items

Clockwise round the peri-meter go two lines of a topical verse, thirteen words altogether. (The barred off square divides the lines.) The other unclued lights are some possible collectors’ items. Across 9 Half more oil, cooking white radish (5) 13 Decide to leave work with solicitor (6, two words) 15 Church land welcomes bishop in

2494: Back to front

The unclued lights have something in common. None is a real word.   Across 1 Promoted male only editor eclipsed (8) 8 Four blood groups maybe, or one group (4) 11 In brief affair, my girl headed off cutting turf (12) 12 Force president to accept Liberal myth (5) 14 Cheerless and tense inside drink

2488: Clueless

The unclued lights (one of two words), when paired, have something in common. Across 5 Fly eggs not at all good on head (6)9 Parasite, one not dead, by coincidence (10, two words)14 Stick one swears mildly by (3)16 A chant newly set Hebrew scripture (6)17 One worn by Virginia? Excellent (5)18 Squirted with water,

2486: Ghost companions

In this anniversary year, unclued lights (one of two words) are of a kind. Ignore four accents. Across 1 Regularly curse wee coming back through opening in baby’s clothing (9)6 Foreigner married in Kent (5)11 Irritable, graze on a little yoghurt (8)13 Problem walking beside British Colonel (5)14 Land comedian at hospital with temperature (6)15

2474: Love me do

31 3 worked for the 43 of 21. The 43 of 34 got him for 24 35 and sent him to 28 (two words). He finally gave in to 15 (two words). Ignore three accents and one apostrophe. Across 1 Fish barrel, a deep sound from it (8, two words) 6 Gambling cartel admits Poles

2465: Definitely amusing

Unclued lights (three of two words, two hyphened) have something in common, verifiable in Brewer. Across 4 Everybody agreed to close college immediately (9, three words)11 Look into Republicans’ sentimentality (5)12 Quickly performed the responsibility of guarding Emperor (7, hyphened)14 Advice is rejected for ritual meal (5)15 Elongated figure cast musket (5)16 Irrational row: one

2456: So American

Unclued lights (five of two words) are of a kind, singly, three pairs and a trio. Across 11 Ban on cats, dogs, etc about to be crushing (6, two words) 13 Benign swelling of rib worried old woman (7) 15 Almost flat out on a part of boxing ring (5) 16 Titivate to run for

2453: All right?

Unclued lights, five of two words and two pairs, have something in common. Elsewhere, ignore one accent. Across 1 Keep bearing left for Great Lake (5)11 Mule is slaughtered for food (6)12 Delving into information, understands about saving (7, two words14 800 in circle, enormous (5)15 In the country, must run at first over mountain

2441: To and fro

28 2, born in 36, is best known for 10 41 (four words). He also produced a 19, 11 (two words; ignore the apostrophe), remembering his 1D and his 43 30 25A.   Across 1 Suite has horrible gaps (8) 5 Covering article in material for publication (6) 12 One held on sofa perhaps right

2435: A little puzzle

Unclued lights, two of two words, are of a kind, verifiable in Brewer. Elsewhere, ignore two accents.   Across 12    Second horn and nail defective, and with one fewer hole in the head (10) 13    Champion forgetting wife’s secret (5) 14    Online mention special interest — all these replies! (7) 15    Still on the phone

2432: Getting dry

Unclued lights (one of two words) give an event, its organiser, some participants, its winners, and the prizes.   Across 1    Stamp hard — everyone notices (8) 8    Men caught by a great beast (4) 13    Men impressed to receive hired waistcoats (6) 14    Elephants’ cup final? (7, two words) 15    Most frightening decay, in

2408: End of the line

Unclued lights name a man born on 18 May; his position; his son; and (singly or correctly paired, two of two words) some of his predecessors. One unclued light does double duty.   Across 1    Listless and irrational in a sort of pit (6) 10    Played in new group, keeping time with skill (7) 11   

2396: Reader…,

Unclued lights are a set of literary 40s. Their creator is hidden in the grid and should be shaded. Elsewhere, ignore one accent.   Across 1    How ducks eat, billions in valley (6) 7    In college, record time to take degree (6) 11    Garden visitor, immature female, tiny size (10) 13    Cleave small, timid mammal

solution | 17 January 2019


Christmas spirit

Unclued lights (six of two words, one of three), correctly linked, make ten members of a seasonal set, one light doing multiple duty. Ignore one hyphen and two apostrophes. Nineteen across clues contain a superfluous word; initial letters of these words in clue order form the full name of the creator. The name of the

2384: Bang!

Unclued lights, singly or correctly paired, are of a kind, as given in Chambers. Ignore one apostrophe.   Across 5    Maiden admitting born overseas originally, not in Danish city (6) 11    Author’s note on leader of band (6) 13    Sort of thinking muscle real troublesome (7) 15    Old royal servant, one that looks to captivate