Cindy Yu

Cindy Yu

Cindy Yu is an assistant editor of The Spectator and presenter of our Chinese Whispers podcast. She was brought up in Nanjing. She tweets at @CindyXiaodanYu

The west’s response to the Huawei row is bound to backfire

The Huawei row is now a full-blown diplomatic incident between China and Canada. Two months ago, on the very same evening that presidents Trump and Xi met to agree a temporary ceasefire in their trade war, Canadian authorities arrested the queen of the Chinese tech world, to be extradited to the US. Meng is the

The Spectator Podcast: does parliament have a plan for Brexit?

Over the next couple of weeks, parliament gears up for another meaningful vote. But can Theresa May win around enough MPs – 116 – to pass the Withdrawal Agreement the second time around? To do so, she may well have to soften her Brexit vision into something that looks more like Norway. But if that’s

China’s obsession with Taiwan is nothing to do with money

Does President Xi’s first address of the new year spell trouble for Taiwan? In a 30 minute speech on Taiwan, Xi used much fiercer language than his predecessors on Taiwan’s reunification. Journalists have reported it as ‘chest-beating’ and ‘threatening’. Phrases like ‘the reunification of Taiwan…is the inevitable requirement of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation’ and

The Spectator Podcast: the two elections that will shape 2019

As we move into 2019, two big elections could shake up the rest of the year. In May, the European elections could see an unprecedented eurosceptic populist surge. Across the continent, politicians like Marine Le Pen and parties like Germany’s AfD are receiving more support. Fredrik Erixon also writes in this week’s cover that, notably, the

The Spectator Podcast: the Christmas Edition

We were all a little bit more innocent at the beginning of 2018, weren’t we? Barely anyone knew – or cared – about the Brexit backstop, Trump and China weren’t at (trade) war, and Labour’s anti-Semitism problem hadn’t been so painfully put on display. In this last episode of the Spectator Podcast for the year,

Chinese vaccine giant gets a taste of its own medicine

A few months ago I wrote about the damning revelations surrounding one of China’s most trusted vaccines providers. Changsheng Biotech had been profiteering from the creation and distribution of useless vaccines for children. First, they mixed old vaccines with new ones when selling jabs meant to immunise against diphtheria, whooping cough, and tetanus (all three diseases

The Spectator Podcast: John McDonnell vs the clueless Tories

As we head into Conservative Party Conference, Theresa May has never looked more alone. We talk to Iain Duncan Smith and James Forsyth about a Prime Minister abandoned. And while chaos reigns in the Conservative Party, Labour is gearing up, led by a pragmatic but radical Shadow Chancellor. Just who is John McDonnell? And last,

Introducing ‘Spectator Radio’: a new podcast, every day

Six years ago, the Spectator began podcasting. Why? For fun, really. Our writers were always being invited to comment on national broadcast shows, and so we thought, why not create our own? It’s been a big success. We started with ‘The Spectator Podcast’, which now has over 30,000 listens each week. We launched Coffee House

The Spectator Podcast: can we fight back against digital addiction?

It seems that everyone, young or old, has a smartphone these days. But why are the brightest in Silicon Valley taking screen time away from their children? Have they realised that we’re addicted? Also on this podcast, Tory MEPs recently voted in favour of the Viktor Orbán government in European Parliament. Are British Tories flirting