Looks like Boris is flying again
‘Looks like Boris is flying again.’
‘Looks like Boris is flying again.’
‘Much longer in this go-slow protest and we’ll miss our cancelled flight.’
‘Next, an anonymous caller who asks: “Can I get monkeypox from groping two men?”’
‘A suitcase? Certainly, Sir. Is it for wine or cash?’
‘Shouldn’t you be out catching criminals?’
‘The cheaper and less qualified doctor will see you now.’
‘There they go again, three months behind the fashion.’
‘A mosaic has come to light that clearly shows you fiddling while Rome burns.’
‘I say we should invade Taiwan now while the rest of the world is distracted by Wordle.’
‘No, you may not give me a lift to the polling station, you filthy pervert,’
‘Nice to see there are still some old-fashioned Conservatives in the house.’
‘I have a terrible fear of not flying.’
‘I’d have a heart attack but have you seen the state of the NHS?’
‘No thanks. I’m not sailing P&O.’
‘Of course it’s impossible to know what he’ll do next.’
‘Apparently it’s a compliment.’