Alex Massie

Alex Massie

Three cheers for the new politics

I love the new politics. It warms my heart even on cold and gloomy winter mornings. The novelty of the always-new, freshly-minted, happy-shiny, more-decent-than-thou new politics will never fade. Consider this stirring tale from beyond the wall. The Scottish Asian Women’s Association (SAWA) was launched amidst what tradition dictates we must refer to as great fanfare at

The painful truth for Ruth

Minority sects are often more interesting, and more colourful, than their more popular rivals. That must explain why the Scottish Tories continue to be the subject of so much fascination. Barely a month passes without someone, somewhere, asking if this — at long last — is the moment for a Scottish Tory revival. Spoiler alert:

Donald Trump throws a dead cat onto the table

Everyone knows how useful a dead cat can be, right? The Australian political strategist – and Tory campaign chief – Lynton Crosby is credited with coming up with the dead cat ploy. It has the great virtue of being as simple as it is colourful. When, Crosby says, you are in a hole or faced

William McIlvanney, 1936-2015

A few weeks ago, a shivering intimation of imminent mortality was felt all across literary Scotland. Willie McIlvanney was not well. Very far from well. The kind of unwell that requires a lung transplant. If the news was hardly revelatory – McIlvanney had, for more than sixty years, given his body a pretty thorough work-out

We cannot live with Islamic State so we shall have to live without them

Of course it is complicated. Of course there are no obvious or simple or even, perhaps, persuasive solutions. And yet, despite that, some things are clear. First, is confronting Islamic State in this country’s interest? Yes. Because the alternative is even worse. Foreign policy only rarely affords the choice between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ options. It

Why is anyone surprised by Jeremy Corbyn’s foreign policy views?

It is shocking isn’t it? I mean, who knew Stop The War (sic) threw a Christmas party each year? You’d have thought they’d be more of a Winterval crowd. Perhaps there is hope for them after all. But it is not at all shocking that Jeremy Corbyn, leader of Her Majesty’s loyal opposition, is, as matters stand, going to attend the

You may not be interested in war but war is interested in you

We weep with France today. Tears of sorrow but also, unavoidably, of rage. And behind those tears lies something else: a fearful sense of apprehension rooted in the knowledge that this will happen again, somewhere else. It already is happening elsewhere. The assault on Paris last night followed another Islamic State attack in Beirut in