Alex Massie

Alex Massie

Death by Taser: Coming to a Street Near You

Meanwhile, in other police news, Coppers in Birmingham are being armed with Tasers as a matter of course. Until recently, only firearms officers were so equipped. Sadly, this means that it’s only a matter of time before someone is killed by one of these things. That’s what happens when you start flinging 50,000 volt charges

Alex Massie

Another Disgraceful Prosecution

Like the Devil’s Kitchen, I’m late getting to this story travesty. The most enraging aspect of it is, of course, that one can no longer be surprised by this kind of behaviour. Yet again the police and the criminal justice system prove themselves out of touch with common sense or decency. A grandmother has been

Alex Massie

Heroic Journalism

I am a great admirer of John Rentoul’s series of Questions to Which the Answer is No and recommend it to you without hesitation. Until today, however, I had not known of the inspiration for this splendid feature. Discovering that it all began with the Daily Mail is no great surprise and could anything really

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I’m not going to intrude into private grief. But, as mentioned before, there’s a considerable disconnect between the England fans (many of them anyway) and the tabloids. As this wince-inducing Sun frontpage from the day after the draw was announced makes clear… So, readers, what do you think England should do next?

Alex Massie

When Buzz Lightyear Met Jimmy McNulty

It’s  beautiful Friday afternoon, the World Cup is on and, frankly, it’s no time to be working. So, here’s a good thing for you: a brilliant mash-up of The Wire and Toy Story. Trust me, you’ll like this: [Hat-tip: Ezra Klein]

Obama Should Thank BP

Well, up to a point. Too Big To Fail is a phrase we often hear these days and one that by now you may well be bored by. We don’t hear much about its companion: Big Enough To Fail. But that would seem to be the case with BP and the Gulf of Mexico. Even

Annals of Dismal Punditry: World Cup Edition

One of the stranger aspects of watching World Cup coverage in the United States is ESPN’s choice of colour commentator and studio analyst. Who knew that what this tournament really needs is Robbie Mustoe’s analysis? Then there’s Steve McManaman and Ally McCoist and Efan Ekoku all of whom are working for the Americans for, frankly,

Alex Massie

A Wee Bit of Culture

Never let it be said that politicians will cling to even the meanest post until the torch and pitchfork brigade come calling. Labour MSP Frank McAveety has stood down from his position as the convenor of the Scottish Parliament’s Public Petitions Committee. And why? Because, during a committee meeting he was heard to say: “There’s

Alex Massie

Obama’s Pragmatism Is A Strength and His Weakness

James Joyner has a good round-up of liberal disappointment with Barack Obama’s oil-spill televised address last night and Jonathan Bernstein’s take seems measured and sensible to me. So does Ross Douthat’s since Ross points out, correctly, that the President couldn’t win, not least because he’s supposed to “take control” of a political problem that cannot

Alex Massie

Of Pigs and Cucumbers

Pleased to be back in Blighty and pleased too to see that the Economist has launched Johnson, a blog about language and politics. From the most recent entry: Germany has a cranky coalition government and garrulous politicians, and so conditions are good for political insults. In one intramural fight a health ministry official from the

DC Intermission

Photo: Jewel Samad/AFP/Getty Images Not sure how much blogging there will be these next few days as I’m off to Washington to a) attend a wedding, b) catch up with old friends and c) watch a lot of football. Granted c) could be accomplished here too. Nevertheless, consider this an open thread for, well, anything

A World Cup Song for England

In 2006 David Cameron said: “This coyness, this reserve, is, I always think, an intrinsic part of being British. We are understated. We don’t do flags on the front lawn.” Now that he’s Prime Minister and there’s a World Cup on, Dave has (quite reasonably) decreed that the Cross of St George will fly above

Alex Massie

Some Chicken; Some Leg

I dare say this sort of thing happens in other countries too but, in general, it seems a Very British Story: A woman from Cwmbran, Torfaen took out a bank loan and lived on beans on toast for a year to pay £1,800 in vet bills after her pet chicken injured its leg. Vicky Mills,

Defending the Defence: Italian Edition

As the build-up to the World Cup continues, my latest item at Goal Post defends Italy and the Italian way of playing football. Some of this, I confess, is based on sentiment. If Scotland cannot prevail – and it seems that some techinicality has made that more than usually impossible this year – then Italy

Alex Massie

Obama vs BP Cont.

My old friend Iain Martin wonders if or when David Cameron will pick up the phone to have a word with the American President: Team Obama has chosen to set about a British company with increasing ferocity. Will there come a point when Cameron decides that the British national interest and pride makes a measured

Alex Massie

The Malignancy of Ed Balls

I’ve only just got round to reading Ed Balls’ piece in the Observer in which he argues that Britain should be more protectionist in europe. Of course that’s not quite what he says, but “revisiting” the question of the free movement of peoples across the EU is essentially a protectionist measure. Anyway it reminded me