The pope

We need safeguarding from safeguarders

What does it mean, in practice, to say that reporting child abuse should be mandatory? It sounds appropriately severe, but it begs the question of what must be reported. It is rarely blindingly obvious that abuse has been committed or who has committed it: it is an iniquity that lives in the shadows. If the proposed law means that one must report every accusation or suspicion of child abuse, this would create an insane burden both on those who report and those – presumably chiefly the police – who must receive the report. Alexis Jay’s IICSA recommendations called for mandatory reporting of any child abuse ‘disclosure’; but surely personal judgment

Pope blasts ‘Nazi dictatorship’ EU

With England and France feuding, Russia mobilising and Brussels incurring the wrath of Rome, it all feels a bit 1530 in Europe at the moment. The latest Renaissance throwback has been the octogenarian Pope Francis coming out swinging against the European Union for its efforts to ban the word ‘Christmas’ among Brussels bureaucrats.  Other EU suggestions include replacing Christian names such as Mary and John with ‘international’ names such as Malika and Julio Hand-wringing pen-pushers have told their fellow Eurocrats to swap it instead to ‘holiday period’ as it could be offensive to non-Christians, as part of a guide on ‘inclusive communication.’ The document ordered staff to substitute saying ‘Christmas time can be