
The Other Glorious Twelfth

Ian Elliot, Grouse Keeper views a grouse moor, at Horseupcleugh estate in the Lammermuir Hills in the Borders. The Glorious Twelfth is the official starting date for the red grouse shooting season in Scotland and parts of northern England. Photo: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images. I don’t really understand the mad dash to get grouse to London restaurants this evening since, obviously, the birds are better eating once they’ve been hung for a few days. But the good news, for once, is that grouse numbers may be increasing.

Suicide is Painless, It Brings on Many Changes…

No-one could mistake back-bench Conservative MPs for advocates for limited government. So it’s scarcely surprising that Nadine Dorries and Edward Leigh are up in arms over proposals to “clarify” the law (in England and Wales) on assisted suicide. You might think it’s your body and your life but that doesn’t mean you have the right to decide your own fate. No way. Not if these energetic busybodies have anything to do with it. On her blog, Dorries raises the preposterous prospect of state-sponsored death squads marauding through Britain’s nursing homes and hospitals, pulling out plugs and smothering pensioners with their pillows. She doesn’t put it quite as colourfully as that,

Big Business & Big Government, Together Again…

There are plenty of reasons to be skeptical of the Scottish government’s desire to set alcohol prices. Not the least of them is that, in addition to the usual health police, the measure is backed by big business. And why wouldn’t it be? The SNP seem to think that Molson Coors’ support for similar measures in Canada and the brewer’s suggestion that the Canadian experience be copied in the UK represents a major breakthrough for the idea. Well, perhaps it does. But Molson Coors is, I think, Canada’s biggest brewer and they also make Carling – the most popular lager in the UK. So of course they recognise that increased

New Tories: Eurosceptic, Gay Friendly, Barely Unionist and Definitely Not Libertarian

Conservative Home’s survey of 144 of the Tory candidates most likely to enter parliament after the next election is very interesting. It’s hardly a surprise that the Tories want British history to be taught in schools, nor that they’re in favour of school vouchers and strongly euroscpetic. Nor is it an enormous shock that 48% of them say they would have voted for Barack Obama in the US presidential election (that says more about the state and temper of the contemporary Republican party than it does about either Mr Obama or the Tories). But it’s a sign of how the times have changed that 62% of the Class of 2010

The SNP, Cricket and Soft Unionism

There were at least a dozen people on my flight from Edinburgh to Cardiff last week who were clearly heading to Wales to watch the test match. This was not a surprise, given that tests held at Headingley and, perhaps especially, Old Trafford attract plenty of spectators from north of the border. There is much more enthusiasm for cricket, and much more cricket actuallly played, in Scotland than many people in England appreciate. And there’s much more cricket in Scotland than some Scots appreciate too. This is especially true of joyless, chippy, narrow-minded, prejudiced nationalist members of the Scottish parliament, plenty of whom see the game as an unwecome, if

Labour’s Definition of Progress Will Kill Us All

Thanks to David Maddox for this gem. During a debate on BBC Scotland last night, marking a decade of devolution, Iain Gray, leader of the Labour party at Holyrood, boasted of the parliament’s achievements: Has it [the Scottish Parliament] made a difference?” he asked rhetorically. “Yes it has. When the Parliament started one in five children in this country lived in poverty. That’s now one in three. That’s significant progress.” God knows, mind you, how much more of this progress we can take. Oh, Iain Gray was once a teacher. His subject? Mathematics, obviously…

Ten Years of Devolution

This is a day for anniversaries: my 35th and the Scottish Parliament’s 10th. The latter is, I concede, the more significant milestone. Once upon a time George Robertson, then Shadow Scottish Secretary, declared that devolution would kill the demand for independence “stone dead”. His Labour colleague, Tam Dalyell, disagreed predicting that devolution would put us on the “motorway” towards independence. Well, a decade later, neither man has been vindicated and, indeed, the case remains Not Proven. Scotland does not stand where once she did, but nor has her future path been determined. It is still too soon to say whether devolution has been a success, but some myths concerning it

The Muslim Menace to Our British Nationality. For Real!

Here’s a disturbing report from one of the great institutions of the land: They cannot be assimilated and absorbed into the British race. They remain a people by themselves, segregated by reason of their race, their customs, their traditions and above all by their loyalty to their religion, and are gradually and inevitable dividing Britain, racially, socially and ecclesiastically… Already there is a bitter feeling among the British working classes against the muslim intruders. As the latter increases, and the British people realise the seriousness of the menace to their racial supremacy in their native land, this bitterness will develop into a race antagonism which will have disastrous consequences for

A Desperate Prime Minister’s Desperate Ploy

Although I’ve long felt that the Unionist parties would have been well-advised to call Alex Salmond’s bluff and have an independence referendum as soon as possible (like, er, this year), the notion that Gordon Brown might decide to hold a referendum on Scottish independence the same day as a general election strikes me as a typically Broonian too-clever-by-half wheeze that, upon closer inspection, turns out to be utterly daft. In other words, James Macintyre’s story in the New Statesman is sufficiently silly that one cannot immediately discount it. Here’s what Macintyre writes: Meanwhile, a separate idea, bold if controversial, is quietly being considered for the same election day: a referendum

June 24th, 1314: A Good Day for Scotland, a Vital Day for Unionism

Robert Bruce (1274 – 1329), King of Scots from 1306, breaks the handle of his battleaxe as he kills the English knight Sir Henry de Bohun with a blow to the head before the Battle of Bannockburn, June 1314. Photo: Hulton Archive/Getty Images. Mercy, how can one forget that this is the 695th anniversary of the Battle of Bannockburn? Scottish nationalists, naturally, like to claim the day for themselves and there’s an annual (and I suspect, dreary and chippy) nationalist rally at the battlefield but it’s not theirs to claim as their exclusive property. Far from it. Because, in the end, Bannockburn was a great Unionist victory too. For without

The Case for Independence

After the jump, the best case for Scottish independence. Oh yes. I especially like Big Jock’s assertion that anyone living south of Edinburgh is, whether they ken it or no’, actually English. That’s a sentiment he might think about keeping to himself, should he ever find himself in these parts. Granted, all political parties attract unwelcome support from loonies such as this but, though exaggerated, there are a good number of nationalist politicians at Holyrood who’d agree, in broad terms, with Big Jock’s list of grievances even if, one trusts, they wouldn’t endorse his claim that the English are just waiting for an opportunity to commit genocide in Scotland… Anyhoo,

The View from the North

Away from the BNP and the Woes of Brown (which sounds like an Aberfeldy tea-room or something) the other notable european result came in Scotland where the SNP’s handsome victory (29-21 over Labour) confirmed that Labour can no longer automatically consider itself the natural governing party in Scotland. Given that the 2007 Holyrood election was essentially a tie (the SNP winning on away goals), this was the first time the SNP had ever routed Labour in a national election. Sure, Labour’s difficulties at Westminster played a large part in this, but only a part. Their inability to counter Alex Salmond’s merry band at Holyrood was also a factor. This, even

What is Britishness?

Commenting on this post in which I suggested that the BNP’s electoral tactics are not dissimilar to those employed by Sinn Fein in the Republic of Ireland, NDM asked that I clarify what I meant when I wrote: “Research shows just 20 per cent of working-class Brits believe that being white is an ‘important factor’ in being British.” Maybe this isn’t a surprising statistic and perhaps I’ve spent too much time living in rural Scotland or multi-coloured cities respectively but I’m not sure I’d have used the word “just” in relation to this depressing statistic.” Re-reading this, I can see how it might be misinterpreted. My writing wasn’t as clear

Gordon Brown’s Presbyterian Conscience

When a politician tries to make a virtue out of the fact that he was brought up in a household in which lying was frowned upon then, verily, you know he’s on his uppers. Equally, though I daresay that much of the expenses scandal does offend the remnants of Gordon’s “presbyterian conscience” it’s not immediately clear that asserting his own membership of the Elect is necessarily going to endear the Prime Minister to his twin congregations at Westminster and in the country at large, each of which is manifestly fallen… Anyway, if Brown’s “presbyterian conscience” really is all he’d like us to think it is and if his bally “moral

More Drug Law Madness

It is the very ordinariness of this case that makes it worth mentioning. From this week’s edition of our local paper, the Southern Reporter: Unhappy with conventional treatments, Jean Sherlow turned to cannabis in a bid to relieve her pain, Selkirk Sheriff Court heard on Tuesday. The 59-year-old decided to cultivate her own supply at her home, where police found eight plants with an estimated value of £150 each, along with 56gm of the illegal drug, worth £300… “It is not contested by the Crown that she suffers from glaucoma and Crohn’s disease, and it would appear that through her dissatisfaction with conventional treatments, she began to cultivate cannabis at

Reviving Scottish Conservatism: A Lost Decade?

A reader asks, not without reason, what I think of the Scottish Tories attempts at a makeover since their wipeout in 1997 and whether, given that I’m generally, broadly speaking, in favour of the reformers when it comes to Project Cameron or Project GOP, I’m also happy with the Scottish Tories softer than softly-softly approach to decontaminating their “brand”. So, not too much to chew on there. The first thing to be wary of is our old friend the Pundit’s Fallacy. That is, the erroneous belief that a given political party’s electoral prospects would be transformed if only they were sensible enough to tailor their policies to fit my own

Cameron in the Fair City

David Cameron’s speech to the Scottish Tory conferene was, I thought, workmanlike rather than inspired.The troops enjoyed it even if they were not necessarily enraptured by it. Interestingly he spent more time attacking the SNP than Labour, portraying the Conservatives as the only party that can truly efend the Union. Of course Labour will argue that a vote for the Tories will encourage the SNP given the nationalists’ palpable desire for a Tory government in Westminster. It is not impossible that both parties are right. Still, Cameron’s speech also betraed the fact that, ten years on from devoution, the Tories remain, perhaps unavoidably, in a defensive crouch in Scotland. “I

Alex Massie

Easy Populism

In her speech yesterday Annabel Goldie decried the cheap and easy populism that she, rightly, described as the SNP’s approach to government. Fair enough. A shame, therefore, that she resorted to just that kind of easy, headline grabbing, rhetoric herself. Her announcement that the Tories a) respect the right of judges to decide matters for themselves and b) propose madatory two year prison terms for anyone guilty of simply carrying a knife was both contradictory and disappointing. Also sadly predictable. But it’s a measure of the hole the Scottish Tories still find themselves in that this easy populism was the “major” part of her speech. Just as revealing was her

The Caledonian Campaign Next Year

In a risky break from blogging orthodoxy, I’m actually attending a political event today (and tomorrow!) and have travelled north to Perth for the Scottish Conservative and Unionist party’s annual conference. Next year’s election – assuming we have to wait until then – will be a strange one in Scotland since, for the first time, the electorate will have two parties against which to cast protest votes. That is, voters may choose to vote against either Labour or the SNP. Or both. Add the complexities of a four-party system in a first-past-the-post election and the picture rapidly becomes somewhat murky. That the Caledonian campaign is something of a sideshow that