
Hillary and Rwanda: A Study in Cynicism

Annoyed though I am by Hillary’s claim to have solved the Irish Question, it’s nothing compared to her – how to put it? – revisionist claims about the Rwandan genocide. These are revolting. Hilzoy lays it all out here in a post* that’s as enraging as it is sickening. The conclusion: I think it’s a lot more likely that she either didn’t advocate action on Rwanda at all, or did so only in passing. If so, this would have to be the definitive example of her attempt to claim responsibility for everything good that happened during her husband’s presidency, while disavowing all responsibility for his mistakes. This was, in my

Today’s shocking news

Comes from poor Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe’s governing party has endorsed Robert Mugabe as its candidate for next year’s presidential elections. The vote by delegates at the Zanu-PF conference in the capital, Harare, allows the 83-year-old president to seek a sixth term in office in March…. Mr Mugabe’s selection was by open acclamation and all 10 of Zanu-PF’s provincial bodies backed him. “I did not hear any dissenting voices,” John Nkomo, the Zanu-PF chairman said, according to the French news agency. “It means this congress has fully and unreservedly declared Comrade Robert Gabriel Mugabe as the presidential candidate for next year’s presidential elections.” Killer quote (literally): “Every one of them matters to