Lacing up gleaming skates, then off the rein
At last, kids shuffling gouts of steam
We elbowed into churned-up tracks and packed the train
Of bodies bent and wobbling in the stream
That watched in awe below the mirror ball
As denims and drape jackets paid the price
For slinging scuffed hired skates into the hall
To join in battle on the blade-scarred ice.
With cool blue tattooed fingers placed
In line on velvet collars, ‘Loves’ and ‘Hates’
Showing on knuckles, Brylcreemed figures faced
The swishing icy rink on shaky skates,
Then slipped into the slush pile, spun
And sank, with nothing to resist
The cut of short skirts and the blonde hair bun
That circled round them with a careless twist.