
Holy Smoke

The most important and controversial topics in world religion, thoroughly dissected by a range of high profile guests. Presented by Damian Thompson.

The most important and controversial topics in world religion, thoroughly dissected by a range of high profile guests. Presented by Damian Thompson.

Holy Smoke

Why the Catholic Church is facing chaos this Christmas

Pope Francis renewed his campaign against the Latin Mass this month, permitting his liturgy chief Archbishop Arthur Roche to issue all manner of threats to clergy celebrating the ancient liturgy. This ‘clarification’ has been greeted with horror by bishops around the world, including many who aren’t keen on the old rite. This episode of Holy

Play 14 mins

Holy Smoke

Did a ‘mafia’ of liberal cardinals pressure Benedict to resign?

In this episode of Holy Smoke, I interview Julia Meloni, author of The St Gallen Mafia: Exposing the Secret Reformist Group Within the Church. It’s the first detailed study of the self-described ‘mafia’ of liberal cardinals who worked tirelessly to prevent and then undermine the pontificate of Benedict XVI. The book contains many disconcerting revelations,

Play 30 mins

Holy Smoke

How Christians can fight the menace of university ‘cancel culture’

The University of Nottingham has been forced to abandon its sinister attempt to ban Fr David Palmer from becoming its Catholic chaplain because his defence of unborn life might upset snowflakes. In this episode of Holy Smoke, I talk to one of Fr Palmer’s key allies, Ryan Christopher, UK director of Alliance Defending Freedom, about

Play 30 mins

Holy Smoke

Can C of E parishes stop bureaucrats wasting their money?

If you belong to or care about the Church of England, you may be shocked by some of the things you learn in this episode of Holy Smoke. I’m not referring to the familiar evidence that the Established Church, in common with all mainstream Christian denominations in Britain, is watching its congregations shrink at a

Play 31 mins

Holy Smoke

Has Pope Francis just thrown Joe Biden under the bus on abortion?

Say what you like about Pope Francis, but he’s incapable of giving a boring in-flight interview. On Wednesday, coming back from Hungary and Slovakia, he was asked about the problem of pro-abortion Catholic politicians receiving Holy Communion. He immediately launched into a ferocious denunciation of abortion, describing it as homicide, saying there was no middle

Play 18 mins

Holy Smoke

Joe Biden and the betrayal of religious freedom

Religious freedom is already being mercilessly attacked in Taliban-run Afghanistan: Muslim women in particular face a living hell unless they’re happy to submit to their new rulers’ psychotic brand of Sharia. The United States is required by its own laws to do everything it can to champion religious liberty around the world. But Afghan’s moderate

Play 26 mins

Holy Smoke

Is the Catholic Church falling apart?

In the last episode of Holy Smoke, I discussed Pope Francis’s brutal and petty new document which seeks to ban as many Latin Masses as possible. This week we look at the other recent developments, which are arguably just as disturbing: two criminal prosecutions in which close allies of the Pope are accused of a

Play 18 mins

Holy Smoke

The plot against the Old Rite

Traditionalist Catholics are still reeling from the Pope’s imposition of ferocious new rules limiting the celebration of the old Latin Mass. On Friday, he tore up Summorum Pontificum, Benedict XVI’s document rehabilitating the pre-Vatican II ceremonies — and he did so while his predecessor was still alive. Francis’s replacement, Traditionis Custodes, and the letter that

Play 13 mins

Holy Smoke

The tyranny of bad hymns

Christian music lovers of all denominations – Anglican, Catholic, Methodist, whatever – know only too well that they enter their local churches at their peril. In this week’s episode I talk to the irrepressible Lois Letts, a wedding and funeral organist for C of E churches in rural Herefordshire, about bad hymns. The funerals are

Play 25 mins

Holy Smoke

The Christian mental health crisis

Is the mental health of Christians beginning to collapse under the strain not just of Covid and its effect on worship but also the bottomless contempt of progressive ideology for religious belief? This week’s Holy Smoke is a conversation with theologian Dr Gavin Ashenden about a crisis of morale that is robbing some Christians of

Play 34 mins

Holy Smoke

How Biden’s cardinals are trying to shut down free discussion

America’s Catholic bishops are furiously divided among themselves this week, after a liberal faction led by the Biden loyalists Cardinals Cupich of Chicago and Wilton Gregory of Washington tried to stop them discussing the question of whether the radically pro-choice president of the United States should be allowed to receive Holy Communion. The US conference

Play 16 mins

Holy Smoke

Why the legal harassment of today’s Christians is the last legacy of the Soviet Union

Today’s Holy Smoke podcast is about the increasingly brutal bullying and silencing of people – especially Christians – who hold the ‘wrong’ opinions on controversial topics. A culture of censorship is becoming ever more deeply embedded in public institutions not just in Britain but also throughout Europe. In London last month we witnessed the nasty

Play 33 mins

Holy Smoke

The magical power of charisma – and why the Churches are ignoring it

The subject of this week’s Holy Smoke is charisma, which you might think is one of the most hackneyed and devalued words in the language; only the other day I saw an advert for a ‘charismatic chartered accountant’. But its popularity is no accident. ‘Charisma’ is shorthand for one of the most revolutionary – and

Play 38 mins

Holy Smoke

The Greek Orthodox ancestry of Prince Philip

What were Prince Philip’s religious beliefs? The Duke of Edinburgh had Orthodox Christian ancestry, but how was he drawn to its traditions, was he influenced by the Queen’s faith, and why was he critical of Catholicism? Damian Thompson speaks to Gavin Ashenden, chaplain to the Queen from 2008 to 2017.

Play 40 mins

Holy Smoke

What the police disruption of a Polish church tells us about post-Christian Britain

The intrusion of the sanctuary of a Polish church in Balham on Good Friday by the Metropolitan police was not only a shocking event but also a deeply concerning piece of history. It can’t be interpreted as a premeditated attack on Christianity – but it’s evidence of the utter irrelevance of Britain’s Christian heritage to

Play 35 mins

Holy Smoke

The Passion chorale: the story of an extraordinary tune

As we all know, it’s safe for three people to sing hymns in church, but any more than three is absolutely deadly. Those are the rules as set down by the Church of England, and as a result no one in Anglican services (or Catholic ones) will hear the glorious Good Friday hymn ‘O Sacred

Play 27 mins

Holy Smoke

The mystery of Pope Francis’s infallibly good taste in classical music

In this week’s Holy Smoke podcast I suggest that Pope Francis has a more profound appreciation of classical music than any of his predecessors. I’ve been saying this for years and everyone assumes that it’s a wind-up or that I’m confusing him with Benedict XVI. Not so. The Pope doesn’t just enjoy listening to Bach,

Play 34 mins

Holy Smoke

Is Jordan Peterson about to move from Jung to Jesus?

Is Dr Jordan Peterson about to convert to Christianity? If so, it’s a big deal. The earnest but sardonic Canadian psychologist is already the most effective advocate for the moral precepts of Christianity in the English-speaking media. But, until now, his penetrating exposition of the Bible has been inspired more by Jungian symbolism than by

Play 44 mins

Holy Smoke

The Pope’s China deal is falling apart. Why should any persecuted Christians trust him?

Beijing’s new rules for clergy of all religions in China have been published in English – and, disastrously for the Vatican, they make no mention of any role for Pope Francis in approving the appointment of Chinese Catholic bishops. So it looks as if the Vatican’s secret deal with China, which gave the Pope nominal

Play 18 mins

Holy Smoke

Can the United States be transported back to Christendom?

This week’s Holy Smoke examines the fragmentation of American Catholicism following the election of pro-choice Catholic Joe Biden. It focuses on the strangest current of thought among the many conservative Catholics calling for an urgent change of approach in order to confront what promises to be an authoritarian liberal administration. It’s called integralism, a label

Play 26 mins

Holy Smoke

Lockdown and the pandemic of loneliness

In 1930, the American novelist Thomas Wolfe wrote these chilling words: ‘The whole conviction of my life now rests upon the belief that loneliness, far from being a rare and curious phenomenon, is the central and inevitable fact of human existence.’ It’s an idea that, for many of us, is harder to shrug off now

Play 32 mins

Holy Smoke

How the Vatican tried to suppress criticism of the new president

Cardinal Blase Cupich, the ambitious left-wing archbishop of Chicago, must have imagined that Joe Biden’s inauguration last week would be a moment to savour. He and a small number of his liberal colleagues, known as ‘the Biden bishops’, have been working tremendously hard to make sure that, once their candidate was elected, any mention of

Play 28 mins

Holy Smoke

The death of the English parish – and the politics that killed it

The English parish has been a source of spiritual consolation, and a certain amount of social comedy, for more than 1,000 years. So it’s very old – and, it turns out, frighteningly vulnerable to the coronavirus. Countless parish churches, both Anglican and Catholic, will quietly shut their doors forever over the next few months. Bishops

Play 27 mins

Holy Smoke

The problem of paranoia on the Catholic Right

Every day there’s some sort conspiracy theory being aired by right-wing Catholics on social media involving the globalist agenda of the Pope’s UN/Chinese/Masonic/Soros foundation puppet-masters. No surprise, perhaps, given the fervour with which the Pope promotes a globalist agenda while his diplomats kowtow to Beijing. Some left-wing Catholics are into the conspiracy business, too: in

Play 25 mins

Holy Smoke

Goodbye to Catholic Ireland

Rarely has a religious culture collapsed more rapidly than that of Catholic Ireland, which just 30 years ago seemed indestructible. Incredibly, it looks as if the Irish Church will have ordained more bishops than priests in 2020. It goes without saying that the Irish abuse crisis has hugely accelerated the process of secularisation in what

Play 46 mins

Holy Smoke

Beethoven’s spirituality: a conversation with Sir James MacMillan

It’s the 250th anniversary of the birth of Ludwig van Beethoven – in my opinion, the greatest creative genius in history and a man of extraordinary moral courage. In this episode of Holy Smoke, I’m joined by his fellow composer Sir James MacMillan to discuss a side of Beethoven that the postmodern artistic establishment prefers

Play 34 mins

Holy Smoke

Should devout Christians be scared of a Joe Biden presidency?

The next president of the United States is, we are told, a devout Catholic who scrupulously attends Sunday Mass. This is in sharp contrast to the current president, who has never been more than an occasional churchgoer with, to put it politely, ill-defined religious views. So why are many Christians worried that a Joe Biden

Play 17 mins

Holy Smoke

Why the fantasy narrative of the Vatican’s McCarrick report is already falling apart

In this episode of Holy Smoke, Damian Thompson says the Vatican’s report on allegations of sexual assault by Theodore McCarrick is a whitewash.

Play 16 mins

Holy Smoke

‘If necessary I’ll be arrested’: the lockdown defying priest

Has there been a single Covid death as a result of someone attending a socially distanced church service? The answer is no, as you’d expect it to be. But, despite this, the Government will ban public acts of worship from Thursday. This decision is so perverse that even the Catholic bishops of England and Wales

Play 20 mins

Holy Smoke

While other charities virtue-signal, here’s one that transforms lives: Team Domenica

Ask yourself: who are the most vulnerable and marginalised people in British society? My answer would be young adults suffering from learning disabilities, who attract sympathy when they are children but, once they enter their 20s, simply drop off the map of public consciousness The consequences of this are dreadful: 95 per cent of them

Play 19 mins