
Chinese Whispers

A fortnightly podcast hosted by Cindy Yu on Chinese politics, society, and more

A fortnightly podcast hosted by Cindy Yu on Chinese politics, society, and more

Chinese Whispers

Ketamine in China: has the country got over the opium wars?

It might be an understatement to say that China has a difficult relationship with drugs. Most infamously, the opium wars of the 1800s saw British soldiers fight against the Qing dynasty to protect the British right to sell opium to China. When the Qing lost, it wasn’t just the sobriety of their people that they

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Chinese Whispers

Black cat or white cat? Reconciling the two Deng Xiaopings

For most people, Mao Zedong and Xi Jinping stand out as the two Communist leaders of the People’s Republic of China. But growing up, it was actually a third man, by the name of Deng Xiaoping, whose legacy I felt the most. Though less than 5 foot tall, his impact on China’s trajectory was arguably

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Chinese Whispers

China’s ‘snowflake generation’

Tangping, or ‘lying flat’, is a new lifestyle tempting China’s millennials. Describing a minimalist stress-free life where one opts out of a career and raising family, lying flat is the young person’s desperate answer to the infinite rat race of modern Chinese workplaces and society. But while there are few lie-flatters as of yet, the

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Chinese Whispers

Hong Kong’s National Security Law, one year on

In the 12 months since the enactment of the National Security Law on Hong Kong, opposition leaders, journalists and activists have been arrested; reforms on education and elections begun; and last week saw the emotional closure of the pro-democracy tabloid Apple Daily. On this episode, I speak to Jennifer Creery, who works for the Financial

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Chinese Whispers

Has economic engagement with China failed?

Exactly 20 years ago, China acceded to the World Trade Organisation. In the decades since, the globalised world became what we know today, with hundreds of millions of Chinese and people around the world lifted out of poverty through free trade. But the promised liberalisation – both economic and political – doesn’t seem to have

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Chinese Whispers

Journalism in China: what can and can’t you say?

What is it like to be a journalist in China? There are obvious restrictions on freedom of speech, but, as I find out on this episode, there are creative ways to navigate the strict system of censorship. The end result is a complex media landscape – some have to litter investigations with state propaganda; others

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Chinese Whispers

The fightback against facial recognition

China has run wild with facial recognition. From using it to ration tissues in public toilets, to identifying highest paying customers in stores and criminals from a crowd, what is a budding technology in the West has furthered state surveillance and corporate snooping in China. But there is a civil fightback happening in the courts,

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Chinese Whispers

Respect your elders: how the Chinese see family life

The archaic-sounding notion of ‘filial piety’ has little direct translation into English, but is a deep-rooted part of Chinese culture and ethics. On this episode, I find out about what motivates the subscription to such an unequal view of family life; how modernity changes expectations (and in particular, the impact of the one child policy);

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Chinese Whispers

Do China’s intellectual elite support the government?

You might think that in a country as tightly controlled as China, diversity of opinion is hard to come by in written form. But as I find out in this episode, there is a vibrant conversation going on with vastly different views, especially in the intellectual elite amongst professors and journalists. So what do these

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Chinese Whispers

Why does China care about Taiwan?

Cross-strait relations between China and Taiwan seem to be hotting up, with headlines frequently touting the possibility of a military takeover by Beijing. But why does China care so much about this set of islands that is around a seventh of the size of the UK? Cindy Yu speaks to historian Rana Mitter and analyst

Play 41 mins

Chinese Whispers

Is anyone still communist in the Chinese Communist Party?

‘Scratch a communist, you’ll find a nationalist underneath’, Professor Kerry Brown, the director of the Lau China Institute at King’s College London, tells me on this episode. Together with Professor Victor Shih of UC San Diego, we talk about what drives the Chinese Communist Party (hint: it’s not communism), what membership means today and the policy

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Chinese Whispers

The sacrifices and rewards of a Chinese-style education

Tiger mums and dads are infamous in the West, but in China the pressure is ramped up several times higher. From kindergarten to university, exams form the structure of a disciplined and competitive educational environment. It yields result – with even the poorest students in Shanghai scoring higher on maths and reading than the richest

Play 32 mins

Chinese Whispers

Is China ‘eating America’s lunch’?

After getting off the phone with Xi Jinping, Joe Biden warned his senators that on infrastructure ‘and a whole range of other things’, China was spending much more than the US, and America risked being left behind. So just how interconnected is modern China and is it really a good growth model to emulate? With

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Chinese Whispers

How Hong Kong became what it is today

As the first BNO passport holders begin to make their way to the UK and start the path to a new citizenship, Cindy Yu takes a look back at Hong Kong’s history and how that special city-state formed its own identity. As SOAS’s Professor Steve Tsang tells her on the podcast: ‘Not quite British, not

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Chinese Whispers

The Chinese backlash against Big Tech

In November, the IPO of Jack Ma’s fintech company Ant Financial was abruptly stopped by Chinese regulators (listen to the episode of Chinese Whispers from then here). But while the move has been seen as counter-productive and political in the West, many Chinese cheered the clipping of Jack Ma’s wings. It’s in no small part

Play 34 mins

Chinese Whispers

What’s behind Beijing’s treatment of the Uyghurs?

‘Study shows that in the process of eradicating extremism, the minds of Uygur women in Xinjiang were emancipated and gender equality and reproductive health were promoted, making them no longer baby-making machines’, the Chinese Embassy in the US tweeted last week. The tweet, since deleted by Twitter, is particularly shocking for the reports of forced sterilisations

Play 51 mins

Chinese Whispers

Is China turning away from the world?

2020 is drawing to a close but none of us will forget this year anytime soon. For China, has it also been a watershed year? Western rhetoric hasn’t been so hawkish on China in a very long time, with talk of a second Cold War gracing commentary pages and calls to decouple supply chains. Lost

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Chinese Whispers

China’s long history of student protests

When thinking about Chinese student protests, you’ll inevitably think about Hong Kong or Tiananmen. But there’s one that kicked it all off in modern Chinese history, and its reverberations are still felt throughout the century, not least because of its role in the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. It’s the May Fourth Movement of

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Chinese Whispers

Has China really beaten Covid?

As the UK and much of the West continues to struggle against Covid, in China, things largely seem back to normal. Pictures from the ‘Golden Week’, a week of state holidays to celebrate the People’s Republic’s founding, showed mountains and seas of people. On this longer episode than usual, I take a deep dive into

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Chinese Whispers

How China’s richest man flew too close to the sun

Ant Group is the business magnate Jack Ma’s fintech subsidiary, the company behind the ubiquitous ‘Alipay’ app, which has one billion users. Last week, it was due to begin trading on the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock exchanges. Set to raise US$37 billion, it would have been the biggest IPO ever. But at the eleventh

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Chinese Whispers

Who are the Chinese-Americans voting for Trump?

A recent poll showed that a fifth of Chinese-Americans are thinking about voting for Trump come November. But given Trump’s hawkish position on China, what is it about him that appeals to these voters? As I find out, it’s not all about the politics – much of it comes down to shared values of social

Play 28 mins

Chinese Whispers

Half the sky: the woman’s place in Chinese society

Chairman Mao famously said that ‘women hold up half the sky’. It was a revolutionary statement in a feudal society (though it did help him, very much, with a labour shortage). But the recent high-profile murder of a young vlogger at the hands of her ex-husband has reignited a national conversation – have Chinese women

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Chinese Whispers

How green is China?

China is the world’s largest polluter. At the same time, it accounts for a quarter of international investment into renewable energy, and it’s the leading exporter of solar panels. So are ideas of China’s eco-unfriendliness outdated? Journalist Isabel Hilton, who received an OBE for her contribution to raising environmental awareness in China, joins the podcast.

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Chinese Whispers

The real housewives of Beijing: why the Chinese love luxury goods

It’s said that Bicester Village is the second most popular attraction for Chinese tourists in the UK, coming just behind Buckingham Palace. The pandemic recovery figures show much the same – while retail is still struggling to recover, luxury goods sales is leading the bounceback. In this episode, I find out why the Chinese love

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Chinese Whispers

What tickles China’s political elite?

You can’t get far doing serious business in China without having friends in powerful places. So when her husband’s company, Jardine Matheson (which once upon a time had smuggled opium into the country), was invited back into a liberalising China in the 1990s, Tessa Keswick had rare access to the country’s top leadership. On the

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Chinese Whispers

Trump’s Great Firewall

Cash is no longer king in China. Much like Sweden, the country’s young and old opt for digital payments, made possible by an app called ‘WeChat’. While sometimes compared to WhatsApp or Facebook, WeChat is much more. On the latest episode of Chinese Whispers, my fortnightly podcast, China tech expert Duncan Clark describes how it’s

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Chinese Whispers

What do the ‘wolf warrior’ diplomats want?

Earlier this year, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson gave credence to the conspiracy theory that the US military took coronavirus to China. It’s just one example of a new school of diplomacy that has dominated Chinese foreign policy – the ‘wolf warriors’. But does this approach work, or does it merely antagonise the world? Professor Todd

Play 27 mins

Chinese Whispers

Are Chinese companies arms of the state?

The days of tightly controlled state economy are gone in China – but are they returning? In recent months, Chinese companies from Huawei to TikTok have caused concern in the West for fear that they don’t really work for shareholders or themselves – but for Beijing. On this episode, I speak to Duncan Clark, a

Play 37 mins

Chinese Whispers

What does Beijing want with Hong Kong?

The year-long Hong Kong protests seem to have come to an abrupt end – as China introduces a draconian national security law that punishes criticism of the Chinese government. On the podcast, Cindy Yu talks to academic and former diplomat Kerry Brown and Hong Kong journalist Jennifer Creery about what China wants with the city,

Play 27 mins