I thought you’d appreciate a change from garage flowers
‘I thought you’d appreciate a change from garage flowers.’
‘I thought you’d appreciate a change from garage flowers.’
‘Your husband fought right to the end but luckily I had a scalpel.’
‘I had some work done.’
‘Ugh! They’re trolling each other again.’
‘We could start a podcast.’
‘I tried imposter syndrome but I couldn’t really pull it off.’
‘Right after they learn to identify one.’
‘I wish our council had been as quick to fill it in.’
'Today we are going to be learning percentages'
‘You never really retire from loathing Emmanuel Macron’
‘I’m rehearsing for the coronation.’
‘Yes, our kids are happy with their genders.’
‘It’s all right – this one takes cash.’
‘We put the wrong bins out!’
‘My new man is a good kisser but he’s no Dalai Lama.’
‘Real kings eat quiche.’