
Diary of Notting Hill Nobody

Monday Not happy. In fact I would say my GWB is at a record low. Among the deeply troubling unanswered questions I am wrestling with: Why was I not informed about Mr Simpson’s holiday reading list? Who authorised it? And what’s going to happen to the proper reading list I was tasked with drawing up?

Diary of a Notting Hill Nobody

I do want to believe there’s more to life than money but it does seem a bit — well — impractical MONDAYI do want to believe there’s more to life than money but it does seem a bit — well — impractical. Mummy is furious. Says if Dave would care to pay our vet’s bills

Diary of a Notting Hill nobody | 1 January 1970

TuesdayHateful, horrid Tessa Jowell. Things have gone mad at Tory headquarters since the stupid row over her silly husband. Everyone sweating over share certificates. I’ve been put on to a new unit monitoring ‘outside interests’. Poppy wrote ‘Jose Mourinho’ on her form and had to start again. Childish, really. We have to ask our MPs

Diary of a Notting Hill nobody

ThursdayOnly my third day, and I must say that it isn’t so easy being a Tory press officer in the AD era — that’s After Dave (My joke!). People may think it’s all frappaccinos and solar panels at Victoria Street but the reality is pretty shocking, actually. There’s the District Line, for a start, with