
2129: Dumpynose

The unclued lights, individually (each of two words), or paired, are of a specific kind, verifiable in Brewer 17th Edition revised. Ignore a diacritic in the solution at 6 Down.   Across 10 Make an impression as a sculptor? (10, three words) 12 Grim death of a harvester (6) 13 Wise men deck out, when

2128: Carbon copy

This puzzle marks a 42/27 by 11 in 17/19. Five other unclued lights (one twice hyphened) together suggest another form of 42/47: solvers must shade the pair. Elsewhere, ignore an accent.   Across   12    Description of diseases in German, prosy Noah revised (10) 14    Necklace from coastal region shortened by earl (7) 15    Not

2078: Nonet

After thematic 32 a 5 of 12 form the other unclued lights of which only one is a real word. Across 10 Less than colossal choir seize Worms (10, hyphened) 14 Death of Grendel (3) 16 Sewer trimmed outer garment roughly (6) 17 Destroy with top armour (5) 20 Decamping sons bounding along (7) 22

2127: Dire straits

Each of twelve clues contains a superfluous word. 9 of these words are unclued lights, which are of a kind.  Ignore an accent in one unclued light.   Across 7 Crowds around gold bowls (6) 12 Mole shuffled by, skirting soft fruit (9, hyphened) 15 Begin harangue imbued with independent spirit (9) 16 Catch including

2126: Word building

The unclued lights can be arranged into a chain of anagrams of 3 to 11 letters in length, with the addition of one letter step by step.   Across 7 Towboat capsized in channel (3) 11 Contain grease once (6) 13 Against work — was perplexed (7) 15 Bender on river (5) 16 Two flowers

2125: Nil desperandum

‘1/5/28’ (five words in total) is part of a quotation in ODQ and suggests how to find the common element in the remaining unclued lights (41 is in Collins). The author’s surname (6) will appear in the completed grid and must be shaded.   Across   9    Fling blue ring away (3) 11    Vase containing

2124: Pack

Seven unclued lights are words that may be regarded as 13 18.  The remaining unclued light supplies the material with which, in normal clue order, the 18 are 13. Elsewhere, ignore an accent.   Across 4 Rags, acceptable kind, around revolving stand (9) 10 Mind being occupied by time in places where ships are repaired

2123: Go on then!

The unclued lights, (one individually, one of two words and three pairs), are of a kind.   Across   4    Popular executive having brush with copper can’t be condoned (11) 12    Left back’s round, round body (5) 13    Artless pastor immersed in revenue probe (11) 14    It’s steady to be unsteady

2122: Theme and variations

The nine unclued lights (including two of two words) form three groups of three: two of the three groups each contain words of a kind; the final group makes up a four-word title. The theme word which links the groups must be highlighted in the final grid. Ignore three accents.   Across   1    Prepare

2121: Take care

The unclued lights, two of two words, are of a kind. Elsewhere, ignore an apostrophe.   Across 1 We hear eldest son refrains from claiming media for media (8) 6 Insectivore collected nectar (6) 11 Mostly, robbery’s extremely unusual in the whole passage (10) 13 Came across investment vehicle with nothing in (5) 14 Books

2120: Urban – or what?

The unclued lights (one of two words) are of a specific kind. Ignore all accents.   Across 1 H-E-X? (5) 4 Series of numbers causing confab about 1 and 101 (9) 10 In an alienating way, first disproving 4 = 4. See? (10) 11 Shaver heard to be one on the way up? (6) 14

2119: Filial request

‘14/7’ (four words in all) is part of a quotation from 29/1D in ODQ and is what the remaining unclued lights do in slightly different ways. The title of the relevant work will appear in the completed grid and must be shaded. Elsewhere, ignore an apostrophe and an accent.   Across   1    Mate nautical

2118: Unreliable

Definitions in nineteen clues are unreliable. In each of ten there is a superfluous letter, and from each of the other nine a letter is missing. Superfluous and missing letters, taken in clue order, spell four words of a quotation (in ODQ) by 9 (two words). The quotation’s next word is an unclued light which

2117: Highlands and Islands

The solutions to numbered lights are the words missing from the story. The unclued lights are the names of twenty-two Scottish lochs.  However, forty-four names of lochs appear in the story, all of which are hidden or appear in jumbled form in the story. Solvers are not required to list the ‘discarded’ lochs.   I

2116: Splish splash

‘15A/35/1D’ is part of a quotation from 20 in ODQ and could refer to the remaining unclued lights (including a pair). Elsewhere, ignore an accent.   Across   1    Discharge of alien not a long time imprisoned (5) 4    Most bell-like silken quavers pervading songbird (9) 10   Have sansei stirring sauces (10) 11    Meeting HM

2115: Typos

Each of seven definitions contains one misprinted letter. Corrections of misprints spell an alternative title for the puzzle, defining the unclued lights.   Across   1    Anticipating trick by director in compilation, sons squeal (14, hyphened) 9    Right covering round gnat (4) 11    Mad lord, never a traveller across country (10) 12


The unclued lights (two of three and one of two words), when preceded by the same word which solvers must include along with their completed grid, can be verified in Brewer.   Across   9    Small cafe spoken of in ski-lift (4, hyphened) 11    Computer functions ’til a server crashes (10) 16   

2113: Recycling

Twenty 9-letter items form a circular chain in which each item recycles eight of its letters into the next one. Eight of the items are unclued entries, seven are words which must be removed from clues before they can be solved, and five are thematic items. One of the thematic items and one of the

2112: Refer

Each of sixteen clues comprises a definition part and a hidden consecutive jumble of the answer including one extra letter; the extras spell two words. Solvers who refer to Chambers will find, in the definitions of these words, a word that describes each of the unclued lights. This word, concealed in the grid, must be

2111: Father figures

When paired, the unclued lights (one hyphened) are of a kind. Ignore two accents. (The solution at 15D is not listed in Chambers and that at 36D only at its definition.)   Across 3    Global popularity of a lecturer in Keele, say (12) 13    Covered pathways badly made inside, unfortunately (8) 18