
2316: Divine alteration

Seven clues contain a redundant word, each defining one unclued light. These seven unclued lights all undergo partial 1 across (in Collins) before entry, in a consistent manner. Resulting grid entries are not real words. Unchecked and cross-checking letters in all eight unclued lights could give: NEWS — I’LL HINT THIS: CRUX’S LATIN   Across

2315: Trunk call

Seven unclued entries are all examples of the other. Elsewhere, ignore an accent.   Across 11    Ginger wine and rose (9, hyphened) 12    A long, aspirational character (5) 14    Feel for plunder, departing from honesty (4) 15    Remain undecided, lacking hint from photo finish (3) 18    Inoffensive, but for second, rude (7) 19    Less clear

2314: 4÷4=8

The unclued four-letter words can be paired in a particular way to form the remaining unclued lights, one of two words. Elsewhere, ignore two accents.   Across 1    Border force on bank guarding river (8) 5    View of a hill removed from a magazine (6) 10    Take steps against token performance (10) 12    As a

2313: Goldfish by Fieldfare

In ten clues the wordplay leads to the answer plus one extra letter. These letters in clue order give a name (two words) to which are questionably attributed the unclued lights (in Brewer), which make three phrases: one of six words, one of three, one of four (thematically five?).   Across 4    See me in

2312: Bandleader

Two unclued lights form the title by which a 38 32 is commonly known. This title’s first word defines one unclued light, and can also be divided into two words, each of which is defined by an unclued light. The title’s second word defines each of the remaining three unclued lights. Ignore one diacritic in

2311: Keith II

The unclued lights, (two of two words), are of a kind. Chambers does not give the solution at 12 Across. So as to avoid alternative thematic solutions at 28A, solvers should know that the first letter is the same as the final one.    Across 2    Amblers won’t be adapting military item (13, three words)

Constitutional Amendment

Unclued lights are six characters from 45 and its author. Five of these undergo 45 in one way before entry; the other two must undergo 45 in another way afterwards (leaving real words). Collins confirms the thematic information.   Across 1    Radical dissent about America’s dirty quality (9) 11    Briefly desiring drug (7) 13    Endlessly

2309: Complicated

Each of fifteen clues contains a misprinted letter in the definition part. Corrections of misprints spell the four-word title of a work by an artist. Answers to clues in italics are to be treated and entered in the grid as indicated by this title; definitions of resulting entries are supplied by unclued lights. Two clued

2308: Landmark

This puzzle is a landmark for D(0)C: his first crossword appeared in The Spectator in the issue dated July 4th 1981 and his puzzles have appeared almost every third week since then. The unclued lights (three of two words) and the others when paired correctly represent initially the total which D(0)C reaches with this puzzle.

2307: Obit IV

Clockwise round the grid from 16 run the titles of four works (4,4,9,6,1,5,3,5,3,4,6) by a late great 3 (two apostrophes) followed by the 3’s initials. The remaining unclued lights combine to give a further such title (three words in total). Elsewhere, ignore an apostrophe.   Across 9    Middle-Easterner very soon returns (5) 10    Shrew lacks

2306: Instruction

‘21D/14’ (four words in total) is an instruction (in ODQ) with which solvers will comply by inserting the remaining unclued lights. The source of the instruction will appear diagonally in the completed grid and must be shaded.   Across 1    Brand of amplifier adopted by meetings (7) 5    Electronic device university dumped (obsolete calculator) (7) 9   

2305: Whodunnit?

The unclued lights (one of two words) can be resolved into three associated trios which are not the solution to the problem. Solvers have to search the completed grid and then highlight the trio which does so.   Across 11    Maigret’s sidekick has read case in French (5) 12    Those in the band that take

2304: Hexagon

The same 26 appears six times in 1D. Remaining unclued lights exemplify its different meanings. The 26 will appear diagonally in the completed grid and must be shaded.   Across 7    Chief cycling daily (4) 11    Young man has time for special author (5) 12    Food Victor feeds forces (6) 13    A road alongside hill

2303: Great 32

The puzzle marks the centenary of the death of a person whose name is formed by two unclued lights. Five unclued lights (three of which consist of two words each) are titles of 24 by the person in question.   Across 1    Language in queue around noon (5) 11    Fly low and pass

2302: Urbane turban

The solutions to twelve clues, all of which lack definition, have to be adapted as the title indicates before the resulting word is entered in the grid. These resulting words are of a kind. Chambers does not give 4D.   Across 1    Grotesque body-snatcher – deaths dismissed (6) 4    Incompetent crossing street (8)

2301: Age of extremes

Eight unclued lights are of a kind; the remaining two complete four words from a quote, which is appropriately positioned and must be highlighted.   Across 12    Old noble returning 50 eggs (4) 13    See adult in Moroni, perhaps, as this? (8) 14    Confusion restrained in mediocre way to play (9) 15    Latin on air

2300: The law

Each of ten clues comprises a definition part and a hidden consecutive jumble of the answer including one extra letter. Extras in Across clues spell a definition of three unclued lights, and extras in Down clues spell a definition of three unclued lights; these definitions combine to spell a definition of three unclued lights.  

2299: Pieces of Eight

One unclued light is the origin of the remaining unclued lights (three of two words), individually or as a pair.   Across 4    Stagnation’s the making of these adversaries (11) 11    It’s for refreshment in moderation — there’s no din (7) 12    Reptile from southern-most headland (6) 13    Nut lovers’ collection in Laurel’s birthplace (9)

2298: NOᴎ

The unclued lights (one of two words), correctly paired, are of a kind and are defective in the same way. Elsewhere, ignore an accent.   Across 1    Indecision of poet shortly to tour America (8) 5    A band restrains it likewise (6, two words) 14    Judge half a fool (3) 16    Shrewd to capture rook

2297: Thoroughly

Each of nine clues contains a misprinted letter in the definition part. Corrections of misprints spell a two-word phrase. Clues in italics are cryptic indications of partial answers; in each case, the indicated part must be placed as suggested by the thematic phrase to create the full answer to be entered in the grid. Resulting