

A beastly business The quote is 1A/92/18D from the poem ‘A Visit from St Nicholas’. The theme was the names of the eight reindeer in the poem. Three were highlighted whilst the others each suggested three unclued lights: Dasher (26, 63 and 83 — sprinters); Comet (12, 48 and 64 — astronomers’ names given to

2342: Decorative

Two unclued lights are terms for the same style. One, consisting of two words, forms a cryptic indication of each of two unclued lights. The other is a word that can be divided into three words; each of these defines each of two of the other unclued lights.   Across 1    Part of thesis

2341: Durum, Durum

The unclued lights (one of two words) are of a kind.   Across   1    Confines at convenience stores (5) 4    Prison visitor, not in Rolls Royce, sadly places eggs for fertilization (9) 11    Over half the train to Dover isn’t broad-gauge (6) 14    Range of school note (5) 15    I left seafood dish for

2340: Booboos

3 1A (eight words in total, one apostrophe) and 41 23 32 36 (seven words, including two accents) give two quotations (in ODQ) by 17 (two words), which possibly contradict each other or themselves.   Across 10    With this cube, making something solid? (5) 11    Resolve to remove head of the BBC (5) 13    Old

A beastly business

Three unclued lights form a nine-word quotation from a thematic work. Remaining unclued lights, including one hyphened, are five trios of words of a kind, each suggested by a thematic word from the same work. Three further thematic words need highlighting in the completed grid.   Across   17    Sports day around squad’s compound (7) 18   

2339: Interesting

Cryptic indications in four clues are incomplete; in each case, the part not indicated is supplied by a 1D (two words). Two unclued lights and the 35 are synonyms of the first word of 1D; each of three unclued lights is defined by the second word of 1D, which is also the surname of a

2338: Fone

The unclued lights (one of two words) are of a kind. Elsewhere, ignore three accents. Across 1    Unethical point of an Aesop fable (6) 11    Improve, making Oriel, accommodated by a fellow (10) 13    3 in Casablanca in the wet season (5) 14    This psychotherapist poor Leonard can’t take on (5) 15    Oration about province

2337: Millefeuille

Unclued lights are connected to a theme word (which does not appear), three in each of three different senses. Two clued lights form an anagram of a name associated with the theme and should be highlighted.   Across 8    Gulls escape through a hedge (4) 12    Manager almost cut American scientist (10) 13    Remove stain

2336: Irrelevant

Each of four unclued lights is the result of an action that may be described as 7 (hyphened), a definition of which is supplied by an unclued light. One unclued light is the result of 39 (a three-word phrase confirmed in Chambers under its third word). Elsewhere, ignore an accent.   Across 1  Commercial projects

2235: Chippy

The unclued lights (one of two words — ignore its accent) are of a kind.   Across 1    I’m the proctor, circulating and turning away from the heat (12) 10    Stone, almost black, with one diamond inside (4) 12    Moonlight escape around river turning into a brief liaison (10) 14    Leader of Indians accepting thanks

2334: Sweet variations

5 (hyphened) and 14 are types of 37. Remaining unclued lights are other types of 37, given in a form that is either 5 or 14. Unchecked and cross-checking letters in all unclued answers could give: GAPES INDECENTLY— A GOOEY MEAL. Ignore two accents in the completed grid.   Across 1  Check’s omitted in alcohol

2333: Unchangeable

One unclued light is a three-word phrase indicating the way in which each of the answers to clues in italics must be entered in the grid. Definitions of resulting entries are supplied by unclued lights.   Across 1    Fissure filled with new toxic substance 12    See a signal, admitting hesitation, only returning for

2332: Glad all over

The unclued lights (one of two words and one hyphened) when preceded by a five–letter word are phrases listed in Brewer. Solvers have to locate and highlight this five-letter word which appears as an inverted L in the completed grid.   Across 1    Enter the world with thick hair concealing head (5) 4    Abandons damaged

2331: Anagrams

Unclued lights suggest nine different words, each made up of the same five letters. These letters will appear in the completed grid in an alphabetically ordered sequence which must be shaded. Elsewhere, ignore an accent.   Across 6  Young sailor turned cricketer (6, hyphened) 12  In the normal way all sections united in study (10,

2330: Image

10 5/9/34/30D/7/35/4/1D is a poem quoted in full in ODQ. The author’s surname (and indeed first name) appears at 26.   Across 1    Portable furniture affected county (8, hyphened) 8    It’s only fair (4) 12    Get ready to improve shepherd’s delight left in champagne? (10) 13    Some twin sisters are demanding (6) 14    Book wrapping

2329: Places to eat

The unclued lights, when paired, are of a kind, the first word in each pair being thematic. Two of the unclued lights, one of which is plural, do double duty. One pair has a literary reference, too.   Across   5    Cross as a sign (6) 10    I left millionaire mixing petroleum distillate (10, two

2328: Second coming

6A and 42 (whose unchecked letters give IDEA) combine to suggest the title of a novel. Remaining unclued lights give the forenames (in one case a nickname) of six of its characters, whose surname (5) will appear diagonally in the completed grid and must be shaded. Elsewhere, ignore two accents.   Across 1    Interceder tried

2327: Exhibition

Five unclued lights are titles of works by a person whose name is formed by two unclued lights. Three clues are definitions only; their answers exhibit all the unchecked letters of the titles. One unclued light consists of three words, and one consists of two words.   Across 1    Action in public at an

2326: ‘Suits you, sir!’

The unclued lights are of a kind. Elsewhere, ignore one apostrophe.   Across 2    Means to call poor chaperone about decline in wind backing (13, two words) 11    Department providing gold and beryllium (4) 14    Favouring women in front (4) 15    Standstill at Aussie thicket (10, hyphened) 18    Interprets text, having no time for steps (5) 19    Feel

2325: Hard task

Clockwise round the grid run six of a kind (one of three words and one three-word pair). Other unclued lights show where you might find others of their kind. Unchecked corner letters could give PLAY-DEN PLANK.   Across 11    With everyone away, call hourly for singers (6) 13    Old bird biting end off confectionery (3)