
2413: Sign here please

The unclued lights are of a kind, verifiable in Brewer.   Across 11    Oil-well cap adjusted as ornamentation (10, two words) 13    Some entertainer, dynamic, but socially inept (5) 14    Horseman’s additional clause (5) 15    Half-scores I have in short are nerve-racking (7) 18    Wicket that is most unplayable for a batsman? (6) 19    Jack’s

2412: Transponders

It is the centenary of a daring feat. Unclued lights (two of two words) include two surnames, two locations (two pairs) and the aptly positioned name of a key item (a pair). Ignore an apostrophe.   Across 1    Matronage almost outraged Lily (8) 6    Appear briefly and go quietly (4) 12    Toolmaker out of Alaska

2411: Left out

Clues for ten thematically linked entries (all single words) have been left out.   Across 9    Hot-rod awry? — fancy not being this (10) 14    Jackass regularly rejected 60s music (3) 18    Behind in award, finally going ahead (5) 20    Get better poet to enter competition (7, two words) 22    Venture around the City, not

2410: Alphabetical jigsaw

Clues are presented in strict alphabetical order of their solutions. Solvers have to assign the solutions to their correct places in the grid jigsaw-fashion.   A) A French messenger’s unending rage (4) Unaltered first principle that’s non-British (4, two words) Far off (4)   B)  Litter from Mark outside vehicle (8)   C)  Sinclair gets off

2409: Crosswords

The unclued lights are of a kind, including one hyphened, all confirmed in Chambers except for 8 across, which is in Collins. Elsewhere, ignore two accents.   Across 11    How mud moves like grease, carrying weight (6) 12    Arab American backs musical (6) 17    Recycle rubbish fellow’s left (5) 18    Lawyer with wine for old

2408: End of the line

Unclued lights name a man born on 18 May; his position; his son; and (singly or correctly paired, two of two words) some of his predecessors. One unclued light does double duty.   Across 1    Listless and irrational in a sort of pit (6) 10    Played in new group, keeping time with skill (7) 11   

2407: Stickmen

The unclued lights, four of two words, individually or as a pair, are of a kind.   Across 11    After hint turned up, end of match had leftist outwitted (7) 12    Problem with French name turning page (6) 13    January not starting pleasant round island — likely to be soaked?  (9, three words) 14    Break-time

2406: Heptad

Clockwise round the grid from 6 run the names (9,5,7,6,8,7,8) of the leading members of a group. The unchecked and corner letters could make SILVER INVENTORS RUN AROUND and 18 is an anagram of the group’s name (two words). An English version of the name (two words) the group gave to a seminal work will

2405: Satanic

Doc writes: welcome to Smurf as our third new compiler joining our team.   One unclued light, the heart of which is of essence, is linked with eight other unclued lights, verifiable in Brewer. Two further unclued lights are appositely characteristic. One other light is abbreviated. Ignore an apostrophe.   Across 4    No can do?

2404: 1+2 = 3+4

The unclued lights (one of two words) share a feature, different in each case, and one is a past participle. One of the clued solutions shares this feature but is not as long and should be highlighted. One other solution is an acronym.   Across 5    Army doctor’s business supported by wife’s capital (6) 10   

2403: Hexad

The second and fourth letters of six unclued lights (defined by surplus single words in six clues) form a set whose name is cryptically suggested by the remaining pair.   Across 1    Acknowledged 500 vatu due (6) 5    Raptors seek rats chandler set free (8) 10    Seabird collecting books about one UK fleet? No way!

2402: Test pilots

Eight unclued entries are of a kind. A 9-letter word for their position must be highlighted in the grid.   Across 1    Am being harassed by society celebs (8, two words) 5    Idiots half-heartedly following British and Russian decrees (6) 9    Surer 4, strangely unsure (10) 14    Fitting carpet, ignoring odd bits (3) 16    Nobody

2401: Sign here please

The unclued lights are of a kind and all have to be ignored in the completed grid.   Across 1    Fortune-teller worried small company chairmen. Right! (11) 7    Party goer often over the clutch (3) 11    Spike, I look anaemic! (6) 13    Prize stone cut with edge of blade (7) 15    Become liable to back

2400: Unclued

All unclued entries are, unusually, not all unclued; all are different and there are no proper nouns. A repeated cryptic clue fixes not only once such entry, but also the central 2×2 block and, as a result, another such entry. Ignore one accent. Doc writes: we welcome Cheese-Cracker to the compiling team.   Across 1   

2399: Lines of work

Eight unclued entries (two of two words, one hyphened) form a folk rhyme used as the basis for the first lines of a work whose title is the other unclued entry (hyphened). Its author (5 cells) must be highlighted. Elsewhere, ignore two or three apostrophes and an accent.   Across 1    Needing complex course, my

2398: All steamed up

The unclued lights (five of two words, two pairs and a singleton) are of a kind, verifiable in Brewer.   Across   11    Ore obtained by worker underground, a trainee (7) 12    DJ due to broadcast around ten (6) 16    Bound by discretion, one is silent (5) 19    Quandary of back-cover girl (7) 21    Bridge

2397: Obit V

We recently lost a fine 13, whose legacy includes 10 (two words) and 9 (two words), and four other unclued lights (including one of two words and a pair). A further two unclued lights combine with a clued one to give an anagram of the 13’s name (two words); the clued light must be shaded.

2396: Reader…,

Unclued lights are a set of literary 40s. Their creator is hidden in the grid and should be shaded. Elsewhere, ignore one accent.   Across 1    How ducks eat, billions in valley (6) 7    In college, record time to take degree (6) 11    Garden visitor, immature female, tiny size (10) 13    Cleave small, timid mammal

2395: Concise crossword

The seven clues below have to be interpreted cryptically and are then entered in the grid where they will fit. (In 10 Down, alphabetical order takes precedence in one unchecked letter.) AL (12, two words) EARTH (10) IF (7) L (9, three words) RI (11, three words) STEW (8, two words) WAND (5, two words)

2394: Opening time

The first three or four letters of eight unclued lights (including one proper name) form a set said to be safe for 1A. Elsewhere, ignore an accent.   Across 10    Sauce that will do OK for Frankfurters (4) 12    Sea-fishers lent warmer pants (10) 14    Upset goddess upset menial (3) 15    Departed by rail, oddball with