
2452: Comme on dit

The unclued lights (five of two words and one of three) should be paired to reveal four expressions verifiable in Brewer. Ignore one accent. Across 10 Plant setter left, it being covered in resin (5)11 Hardy bay tree? Obviously not (6)12 Bioethical problem of 150 willing to participate with 18 (7)16 Central American distributed narcotics

2451: Cretinous

Unclued lights are anagrams of ten of a kind. Elsewhere, ignore an accent. Across 9 A model cure fixed skin condition (10)14 Lass bumpkin snubbed (3)16 Prisoner saves rodent a piece of crust (6)17 Found tree blocking highway (5)18 Baseballer’s innings in Somerset city curtailed (5, hyphened)20 Sliding in dicky part of church (7) 22

2450: Titled Men

The unclued lights consist of one author, two titles and four characters; ignore one accent. The titles (three words and five words) are pairs. Across 6 50% caught in large-scale disease outbreak (8)12 Get everyone out of Aleppo, due to lunatic taking over (10)13 Rolls makes an impression (9)14 Killer gets into motor car (4)15

2449: Stateless

Eight thematic words (one of two words), which solvers have to discover and whose two-letter abbreviations form the anagram I’M IRISH-CAVAN-YORK, do not appear in the grid, as the title suggests, but each can be linked with one of the unclued lights. Two unclued lights are of two words, another includes an apostrophe and a

2448: Issues

Four pairs of unclued lights (17/5, 22/27, 29/31 and 8/26) form anagrams of the titles (one hyphened, three of three words) of novels by an author whose name is clued without definition. Across 1 Apportioning silver crooked nursemaid pinched (11)7 Being in French city without local friend (3)11 Sickness in Vermont and Maine infected America

2447: No small matter

One clued light can be associated with ten unclued ones. Ignore accents. One solution is an IVR. Across 4 Thrills if Leicester is rebuilt (11)11 A guy inside upset funny Shakespearean philosopher (9)13 European articles on new growth – fails to hit target (11)14 Jar in school laboratory (4)15 ‘Parking no good’ – sign on

2446: Spring time

Each clue defines the full solution to which the letter-count refers. However, the cryptic wordplay leads to the grid entry, after one letter has been omitted each time it appears in the full solution. The omitted letters in clue order reveal a relevant timely phrase which solvers should include with their entry. Across 1 Helped

2445: In other words II

41, 1A, 10 (seven words in total) is a description of a phenomenon. Remaining unclued lights, including one of two words and three of three words, either singly, paired or as a trio, form four examples of this phenomenon. All are confirmed in the ODQ (8th ed.) Across 11 Leaf parts of liana ice destroyed

2444: Ones in the country

The unclued entries (three of two words, and two hyphened) share an origin  Across 1 Put an end to fight where you get a pinch (8) 12 Gold chain found in tangle (5) 14 Produce eggs to value somehow (7) 17 Panic in the manner of commandos (5) 22 Francophone settlers take from simple country

2443: Middle of the road

The unclued lights are of a kind. Chambers does not include 17D.   Across 4 New cabinet door which bears information (11) 11 Depict England captain Illingworth after drink (7) 12 Unploughed land where member takes in bad air (6, hyphened) 13 In France, he is in school, for the most part (9) 14 Good

2442: Don’t nod

Eight unclued lights are of a kind with the 3 of the 30. Elsewhere, ignore two accents.   Across 1    Nick is sound (5) 10    Category containing almost pure red rose (rambling) (10) 11    Universal spirit and life-force in Chinese city (6) 14    Lass did it, backed not by Pabulum (5) 15    Bill brightened retired

2441: To and fro

28 2, born in 36, is best known for 10 41 (four words). He also produced a 19, 11 (two words; ignore the apostrophe), remembering his 1D and his 43 30 25A.   Across 1 Suite has horrible gaps (8) 5 Covering article in material for publication (6) 12 One held on sofa perhaps right

2440: Dizzy tiny blonde

The unclued lights (as four pairs and a singleton which includes an abbreviation and apostrophe) are of a kind. 36 is an acronym and 10 includes an accent. Solvers should highlight a further themed title of two words hidden separately in the final grid.   Across 1    Sheriff’s officer’s wild spat during argument (8) 12   

2439: More nuts

‘10/17’ give the first three words of a statement (in ODQ) made by a famous 48/21. His works include 1A/23D (four words in total) and The 44. His forename is the remaining unclued light; the puzzle’s title suggests his surname. The fourth word (hyphened) of the statement will appear diagonally in the grid and must

Magical Mystery Tour

A quotation (in ODQ), starting on the  appropriate side of the grid, runs clockwise around the perimeter. The other unclued entries (one of two words, one of three words), will show solvers the event being described, interrupted by some disposals. The original author of the quotation, found in anagrams in symmetrical answers, must be highlighted,

2438: Shining bright

One clued solution (which solvers must highlight) can be linked with eleven unclued solutions, (one in the plural). Brewer confirms them all, even showing that two of them can be further linked as a trio, thematically too!   Across 5    Character in Eliot drama, also in the saga that inspired it (6) 9    Maladjusted, he

2437: Sketchy

The unclued lights (two of two words, one of which includes an apostrophe) are of a kind. Where alternative final letters occur, M and O are to be used, not T and I.   Across 11    Carpet salesman finished right at the front (7) 12    Rode at front, elevated as aid to driver (6, hyphened)

2436: The Devil’s Own

The unclued lights, including one of two words, comprise two adjectives and six  nouns. All share a common origin and are confirmed in Chambers.   Across 11    Prelude not quite within 24 hours (7) 12    Seen dancing without my extra turns (7) 14    Kind of horse judge impounds (6) 16    Number in Bow with many

2435: A little puzzle

Unclued lights, two of two words, are of a kind, verifiable in Brewer. Elsewhere, ignore two accents.   Across 12    Second horn and nail defective, and with one fewer hole in the head (10) 13    Champion forgetting wife’s secret (5) 14    Online mention special interest — all these replies! (7) 15    Still on the phone

2434: Eat it!

The unclued lights (two of two words), individually or as one pair, are of a kind.   Across 9    City call that reverberates (4) 11    A bouncer from evil European, reportedly (9, two words) 12    The Times with leaders only advocating German economic safeguards (4) 17    Explosive sounds of large swallows (5) 20    Petty quarrel