
2518: Make a run for it?

11 Across (three words) is a phrase suggested by the puzzle’s title explaining how to arrive at the other unclued lights, which are anagrams of words of a kind, all confirmed in Chambers (including two less common spellings). Across 1 Beaten up coin is showing heraldic beast (8) 8 Some stuff is crammed in purse

2517: Final line-up

The unclued lights appeared at the start under the shaded squares reading row by row from top to bottom (two words). Across 5 Touring hotel, arrive at poor area (6) 10 Old driver will show support going about in revelry (10) 12 Resort with edge beside popular island (6) 16 Church collection on foot? (5)

2516: Such childish vocabulary

The nouns from the first sentence of a book (in the ODQ) appear as unclued lights — apart from two. One of these two is revealed by extracting one or two letters at a time from six normal solutions, leaving real words as entries. The other appears diagonally in the grid and must be highlighted.

2515: Paragon

Unclued lights (including three of two words and two pairs) suggest various versions of a name given by a pair of successive clued lights which solvers must shade. Elsewhere, ignore an accent. Across 12 Excited oxen pressing round me in poet’s garment (7) 13 Minotaur’s cross (3) 15 Believer in divine wisdom shows photo she

2514: Welcome back

Unclued lights (one of two words, the others paired) are of a kind. Across 7 Lace branches left in fruit tree (6) 11 After study, forgetting the year, doubting what William was famous for (10) 13 Appealing to restrain husband’s slide (5) 14 It strengthens bricks originally placed in tower (5, hyphened) 15 Mounted, moving south towards

Fifty years of The Spectator crossword

During the early spring of 1971, a package of eighteen unsolicited crosswords arrived in the post at the Spectator’s offices in Goodge Street. These puzzles were compiled by Jac who had already established himself during the 1960s as a challenging and inventive setter for the Listener series. The name John Adelmare Caesar hid behind the

2513: Golden anniversary

1A, on 23 17, 41 1D 8 in this 31 was 21D. This anniversary announcement consists of eleven words and includes an apostrophe. Each group of coloured squares reveals a name of one of the team, past or present. One blue square does double duty as it overlaps a green square too. Doc compiled the

2512: Impertinence

Clockwise round the grid from 34 run the answers (6,6,5, 11,4,3,7,4) (one hyphened) to eight riddles followed by the riddler’s name. Two pairs of unclued lights give the name of the riddler’s brother and the nature of the riddler. Shaded squares will give the letters of a relevant name. Elsewhere, ignore an accent. Across 7

2511: Changing places

The 12 unclued lights (one of two words) are somehow paired and one solution in each pair is of a kind with the five others.   Across 12 Prizes at dance which Desperate Dan patronises? (7, hyphened) 14 Fancy notepaper? (5) 15 Fish and cheese sauce, not new (5) 16 Stay out of bed with

2510: Prom session

Twelve symmetrically disposed unclued entries comprise three distinct interlinked quartets.   Across 1 Precise conjecture about coin-flip, oddly (8) 6 Peter out back, eating square meal (6) 10 Hit round ring – rim of upper drum (6) 11 Tiny baby consumed by gas (7) 12 Pedestrian holds back directions to Wick (5) 14 Advert I

2509: Current description

A six-word ‘current description’ (in ODQ) and the name of the author (three words) run clockwise round the perimeter starting in the top left-hand corner. Four other unclued lights are of a kind, and solvers must highlight the one suggested by the quotation.   Across 11 Deposit with variable returns for figure (4) 12 Silly

2508: Grovels

The unclued lights, (one pair, one hyphened and one of two words) are of a kind. One clue leads to a number. Across 10 Alpine skier initially taking exercise by Norway’s top ski-resort (5) 11 Bowler in Anglo-French waters (6) 12 Most of the month witnesses are heard. That’s novel! (7) 16 Capital oil change

2508: Knightly?

The unclued lights (one of four words) are legendary. Across 9 Broadcast live in Torbay possibly to no avail (10) 14 Mark said to be a jerk (3) 16 Marvin Gaye’s ‘Healing’ depends on chromosomes (6) 17 Person I’m addressing, with most of the next generation (5) 18 Man died on beach, once (5) 22

2506: Summer’s voice

Ten unclued lights (including four pairs) are of a kind. Ignore two hyphens and an apostrophe. What could have induced this puzzle will appear diagonally in the completed grid and must be shaded. Across 1 Eminent composer gives great cellist inspiration (7) 9 Sin doesn’t start somewhere in church (4) 12 Piece of lead turned

2505: Endgame

The unclued lights (one hyphened) are of a kind, confirmed in Chambers. Elsewhere, ignore one accent.   Across 1 I returned with note and wave to Bletchley Park expert (11, hyphened) 11 Tried and kept in control in the past (6, three words) 13 Goes off for a while (7) 16 Women’s painting first seen

2504: Collectors’ items

Clockwise round the peri-meter go two lines of a topical verse, thirteen words altogether. (The barred off square divides the lines.) The other unclued lights are some possible collectors’ items. Across 9 Half more oil, cooking white radish (5) 13 Decide to leave work with solicitor (6, two words) 15 Church land welcomes bishop in

2503: Applery

Six unclued lights are the names of traditional English county towns with one letter misprinted so as to form new words. The correct letters could give 26, examples of which are 1A, 17 and 22A. Across 7 Sound of kitten in hiding-place (3) 11 Mechanical playwright heard E strings (6) 13 Aberdonian angler with chatter

2502: Nay-sayers?

The unclued lights (two of two words) are of a kind, verifiable in Brewer.   Across 4 High-handed relation in discussion first (11)11 This amphibian would need Marvel to make vanilla ice cream (9)12 Auxiliary doctor taking pulse (5)14 Ancient Glaswegian notice covering centre of Mull (4)15/38 Office facility managed 25C (6, two components)19 Nothing

2501: Delightful

7 Down has wordplay to only half its grid entry. The undefined part is the first word of a 9-word description, in ODQ. Ignore all hyphens. The unclued lights can be arranged to form the full description.   Across 1 Good over – nearly more than one, in truth (6) 7 Strain to keep daughter

2500: 50 x 50

Each solution contains one letter at least once, always omitted in the cryptic wordplay of each clue. This letter and its number of appearances in the completed grid mark this week’s landmark. Two solutions are hyphened, five of two words and one of three. The red squares disclose Doc’s family celebration on 3 April.