Puzzles & games



What is the most advantageous attribute for a great Bridge player? Is it maths, or memory? I like the answer Sweden’s Peter Fredin gives: ‘Imagination.’ We’re not talking about the kind that lets you imagine you’re the best player in the world, but rather the ability to see how things look to the opponents. Peter



Earlier this month, at the Kingston Invitational, Peter Lalic won a game against 12-year-old Billy Fellowes in 272 moves. Published in full, it would take up most of this article and resemble a cryptographic message more than a game of chess. But it earns a place in the record books as the longest over-the-board game

Chess puzzle

No. 816

White to play. Caruana-Firouzja, Sinquefield Cup, 2024. Caruana exchanged rooks, but soon ran out of checks and resigned before the b2 pawn could promote. Which move would have secured a draw here? Email answers to chess@spectator.co.uk by Monday 2 September. There is a prize of £20 for the first correct answer out of a hat.


Spectator Competition: Environ-mental

In Competition 3364 you were invited to submit a piece of psychogeography exploring a mundane journey. A cartoon in the Guardian recently defined psychogeography as ‘walking around criticising gentrification’ – though it can be down on decline too. One rule of thumb is that if you can imagine Will Self saying it, it’s probably right.


2669: Partners in crime

Four pairs of unclued lights are all similarly linked.                 Across 5               Mark sample of class essays (6) 9               I’m beginning to like hot chap’s twinkling of an eye (10) 14            Beginning of oxidisation on iron container? (3) 17            One who chooses mixed ramen (5) 18            Of sound mind, regularly returns wearing gold ring (5) 20           

Crossword solution