Puzzles & games


Bridge | 29 August 2020

I have not played a single hand of bridge for about a month, neither have I kibitzed online. Ergo I have no bridge stories to tell and no players to tell them about. However, I have been reading a bit and one of my favourite bridge books is Geir Helgemo’s Bridge With Imagination. In most


Carlsen vs Nakamura

Facing Magnus Carlsen, you have two problems. The first is obvious — he’s the best player in the world. The second lies in your awareness of the first. Countless players have seemed bewitched by the world champion, drained of the confidence needed to push for a win. In a single game, a strong grandmaster may

Chess puzzle

No. 619

Nakamura–Carlsen, August 2020. Carlsen has just advanced 40…g6-g5+, laying a nasty trap. Only one move gives White a fighting chance here — what is it? Answers should be emailed to chess@spectator.co.uk by Monday 31 August. There is a prize of £20 for the first correct answer out of a hat. Please include a postal address


Paradise Lost in four lines

In Competition No. 3163 you were invited to submit well-known poems encapsulated in four lines. Now that the internet has all but destroyed our attention spans, who has the mental wherewithal to plough through Paradise Lost or The Faerie Queene? Well, thanks to the cracking four-liners below, you don’t have to. Props to David Harris,


2472: All-inclusive

An 11-word quotation (in ODQ) reads clockwise around the perimeter from square 1. Other unclued lights are names of a kind. A final thematic name (5) associated with the source of the quotation must be highlighted in the completed grid.   Across 14 Incompetent person of great status (7)15 Rapidly put away card, not large

Crossword solution

2469: Breadth solution

The unclued lights were: 12 CORNI, anagram of Corin (As You Like It); 23 MANDIRA, Miranda (The Tempest); 27 LARDOON, Orlando (As You Like It); 38 GRADE, Edgar (King Lear); 1D SIROC, Osric (Hamlet); 8 HAMPERING, Erpingham (Henry V); 21D EUTROPHIC, Petruchio (The Taming of the Shrew); 34 ANGER, Regan (King Lear). Title: anagram of