The Battle for Britain | 25 November 2023

‘Watching at home on a screen just isn’t the same.’
‘The Royal Mail is very dependable. It always overpromises and underdelivers.’
‘Never swap a boot for a croc...’
‘It’s nothing to do with the environment – I just hate Constable.’
‘Hi guys! Come in and meet the gang!’
‘You know how you always enjoy a good ghost story on Christmas Eve, Charles?’
‘Where were you the first time anybody asked where you were the day Kennedy died?’
‘The area’s very popular with people who can’t afford their mortgages any more.’
‘What are you going to do with your fiscal headroom?’
‘Cats on the internet are not what they were...’
‘Honestly? If it’s more bad news I’d rather not know.’
‘I’ll see what the Chancellor has to offer.’