Puzzles & games


Bridge | 23 May 2019

Simon Gillis coined a term to describe his disappointment when he sits himself out to allow four of his professionals to go in and do the job — and they fail! Simon calls it ‘Sponsor’s Nightmare’ and I had a hefty dose of it playing the Schapiro Spring Foursomes in Stratford last weekend. We made


Goring the gambit

One of the most irritating defences to meet when playing 1 d4 as White is the Benko Gambit (1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 b5). It was foreshadowed by a Ruy Lopez between Nimzowitsch and Capablanca from St Petersburg 1914. In that classic game, White won a queenside pawn in ingenious fashion, only


Animal magic | 23 May 2019

In Competition No. 3099 you were invited to dream up an imaginary animal that is a hybrid of two existing ones and write a poem about it.   The discovery, some time ago, that the Romans called a giraffe a ‘cameleopard’ (also the subject of a poem by Thomas Hood) gave me the initial idea


2409: Crosswords

The unclued lights are of a kind, including one hyphened, all confirmed in Chambers except for 8 across, which is in Collins. Elsewhere, ignore two accents.   Across 11    How mud moves like grease, carrying weight (6) 12    Arab American backs musical (6) 17    Recycle rubbish fellow’s left (5) 18    Lawyer with wine for old

Crossword solution

to 2406: Heptad

The group is ‘Les Nabis’ (anagram of ALBINESS (18)). Its members were VALLOTTON, DENIS, ROUSSEL, RANSON, SÉRUSIER, BONNARD and VUILLARD. The seminal work was THE TALISMAN (appearing diagonally from row thirteen). THE TALISMAN was to be shaded.   First prize Peter Tanner, Hertford Runners-up Michael Knox, Beaconsfield, Bucks; Bill Stewart, Leicester


no. 555

White to play. This position is from Dubov-Giri, Moscow 2019. How did White conclude with a fine blow that forced a quick checkmate? Answers to me at The Spectator by Tuesday 28 May or via email to victoria@spectator.co.uk. There is a prize of £20 for the first correct answer out of a hat. Please include