‘Don’t you hate it when a siren goes off next door and there’s nothing you can do about it?’

‘Don’t you hate it when a siren goes off next door and there’s nothing you can do about it?’
‘Bit of an anomaly. I’ve just been told there’s no accounting for taste.’
‘When you’ve finished your colouring-in would you mind resuming the parental role?’
‘...his wife would eat no lean, no dairy, no grains, no wheat, no gluten, no soya, no lactose, no refined sugar, no nuts, no yeast, no...’
‘You are 27,345,004th in the queue, please hold.’
‘I’m looking for a hook-up.’
‘Is this something to do with Corbyn?’
‘We razed the university to the ground, just to be on the safe side.’