‘I’m slightly embarrassed by that one — no skill involved; only road rage.’

‘I’m slightly embarrassed by that one — no skill involved; only road rage.’
Man Struck by Speeding Police Car
‘I’ll be honest: we’ve never thought you were good enough for our Lucy.’
‘Of course I understand your concern about always being on your own — you’re a locust, after all.’
‘We’re a scalpel missing.’
‘This is the voice of what remains of the BBC, coming to you from a hidden bunker somewhere in the UK…’
‘Who let this riff-raff in?’
‘He’s building his own coffin from Lego.’
‘Apparently he’s really J.K. Rowling.’
‘Oh no! It’s the drone ranger.’
‘We produce some of the country’s finest Labour MPs.’
‘We insisted the garden designer devote an entire section to a play area.’
‘Aren’t you worried you’ll make him obese?’
‘They exiled him there when he went mad.’