‘It’s nice, but it’s a little over our price range.’
‘It’s nice, but it’s a little over our price range.’
The last selfie
‘They’re short-term memory sticks.’
Raised by Wolves...
‘I’ve lost interest in TV now it’s no longer a criminal offence not to have a licence.’
‘Things are so bad in the bedroom department that she’s started sleeping in a shark cage.’
‘ the top drawer on your side of the bed, you dumb schmuck!’
‘Don’t wake him up — sleepwalking is the only exercise he gets.’
‘I’d invite you in, but as we’ve already had sex behind the kebab van I don’t see there’s much point.’
‘This is what I was dreading — not having to fly home.’
‘He moved to the right before he got old.’
‘Apart from your generation’s over-inflated sense of self-worth, what else makes you the best candidate for this vacancy?’
‘I wish you’d get a job at GCHQ — then you might actually start to listen to me.’