Puzzles & games


Bridge | 14 October 2023

Everyone knows how hard it is to keep fighting when you’re behind in a match. But it ain’t over till the fat lady sings – and if anyone needed reminding of it, they only had to watch the Gold Cup semi-finals last Saturday. After 56 boards, Janet de Botton and her team were down 50


The long plan

‘Chess, an ancient game of strategy…’ – that’s what they write on the packaging in department stores. But in real life, playing a game of chess feels more like fighting fires, half of which you kindled yourself. Whatever grand ambitions you have, right now your queen is under attack and the next priority is your

Chess puzzle

No. 773

Black to play. Dardha-Mamedyarov, European Club Cup, 2023. A knight down, which move enabled Black to break the kingside defence? Email answers to chess@spectator.co.uk by Monday 16 October. There is a prize of £20 for the first correct answer out of a hat. Please include a postal address and allow six weeks for prize delivery.


Spectator competition winners: Epicureanism vs Stoicism

In Competition No. 3320 you were invited to submit a poem extolling Epicureanism over Stoicism or the other way round. Stoicism is enjoying something of a revival, embraced by everyone from billionaire tech bros to self-help devotees. But Mary Beard is no fan of Marcus Aurelius and has said that she finds it ‘mystifying’ that


2626: Eternal youth

Unclued lights name an authoress (two lights), her hero (two lights), his group (one light, two words), and its members (mostly human). Across 4    Stimulant gets lad near to collapse at home (9) 10    FBI agents after government department: time to clean up files (10) 14    In mill channel pressure rose suddenly (5) 15    Labourer

Crossword solution

2623: Half-Day Closing? – solution

The puzzle appeared on 23 September 2023. The unclued lights reveal TWENTY TWENTY-THREE’S AUTUMN EQUINOX OCCURS TODAY AT SIX-FIFTY AM, GMT. First prize Sally Reeve, Bath Runners-up John Pugh, Ely, Cardiff; J. Gill, Warlingham, Surrey