Puzzles & games


Bridge | 12 September 2013

In any sport, a sense of elation is a dangerous thing. When a player does something good, he can’t afford to enjoy the moment: however dazzling the goal he’s scored or the ace he’s served, he can’t relax until the match is over. And so it is in bridge. It’s hard advice to follow: I’ve


Lord of the flies

It is often said that the great chessboard artist, Polish Grandmaster Akiba Rubinstein, was afflicted during tournament play by an imaginary fly, which he sought in vain to swat away. As is the nature of imaginary beings, a case in point is the A Bao A Qu, the first entry in the bible of such


Genesis | 12 September 2013

In Competition 2814 you were invited to describe how a great writer stumbled upon an idea that he or she later put to good use. Thanks to Messrs Allgar and Moore, Brians both, for suggesting that I challenge competitors to imagine the unlikely circumstances in which the seeds of great literary works were sown. I


2130: Elusive

Each of 23 clues comprises a definition part and a hidden consecutive jumble of the answer including one extra letter. Each of 13 clues is of the same type, but includes two extra letters, next to each other within the jumble. The extras spell a 13-word assertion (in ODQ) by an unclued light. Concealed in

Crossword solution

Solution to 2127: Dire straits

Twelve unclued lights are names of ARTISTS which are ANAGRAMS (9) of superfluous words in clues.   First prize E. Hogg, London SW13 Runners-up A. Mulholland, Nottingham; Sue Topham, Elston, Newark


No. 283

Black to play. This position is from Rotlewi-Rubinstein, Lodz 1907. This is the conclusion of one of Rubinstein’s most famous masterpieces. What is the quickest route to victory? Answers to me at The Spectator by Tuesday 17 September or via email to victoria@spectator.co.uk or by fax on 020 7681 3773. The winner will be the