Goliath 2
‘I don’t like the look of this.’
‘I don’t like the look of this.’
‘They seemed to drink all the time in those days.’
‘The swamp, the swamp, always we go to the swamp. Why can’t we head north this year?’
‘When I was your age we had to make our own porn.’
‘You laughing hyenas at the back, why don’t you just come out here to the front and then we can all share the joke?’
‘You were right – it’s not the cat.’
‘It’s not working, Raymond — I feel like you’re judging me.’
‘Let’s promise everyone a pay rise twice the rate of inflation!’
‘According to our records, you only have two full-time jobs.’
‘For God’s sake, let me get drunk first!’
‘Or this is the election model — it features both a spin cycle and a counter-spin cycle.’
‘Oh no — he’s being difficult again.’
‘When did you last see your feet?’