Puzzles & games


Bridge | 8 February 2025

I wish I’d been at the teams event held last week by the World Bridge Tour in Reykjavik. The sights, I’m told, were amazing. No, not the snow-capped mountains or hot springs. I mean the famous faces at every table – Bas Drijver, Michal Klukowski, Boye Brogeland, Sabine Auken, the Rimstedt twins…it was a bridge


Tata Steel Masters

The Tata Steel Masters is one of the most prestigious elite events, now in its 87th edition. As the gong chimed for the start of the round in the Dutch town of Wijk aan Zee last Sunday, two Indian teenagers remained in contention for first place. One was the newly crowned world champion Gukesh Dommaraju, unbeaten

Chess puzzle

No. 836

Black to play. Gurel-Nguyen, Tata Steel Challengers, 2025. Black’s king is in danger here. Which move allowed him to save the game? Email answers to chess@spectator.co.uk by Monday 10 February. There is a prize of a £20 John Lewis voucher for the first correct answer out of a hat. Please include a postal address. Last


Spectator Competition: It’s a match

For Competition 3385, with Valentine’s Day looming, you were invited to submit a passage in which one well-known character from literature goes on a date with another. There was a very full inbox, with enough excellent entries to fill weeks’ worth of competitions. It’s tempting to think that some of these imaginative pairings would have


2689: Annus Impuratus?

Eight unclued lights (two of two words) advise solvers ‘3D 38A is 9D, 32D 32D-17A, when 6A 44A 31D’. Across 1 Don’t at first knock small amount of liquid (Scotch) (4) 12   Last, as do picture capture and future exposure (6) 13   What’s in deadly new compound (8) 14   Burn short jacket (5) 15  

Crossword solution

2686: Poem VIII – solution

The poem is ‘Say not the struggle nought availeth’ by Arthur Hugh Clough. The final words are SUN CLIMBS SLOW, HOW SLOWLY, BUT WESTWARD, LOOK, THE LAND IS BRIGHT. The other two extracts are DUPES (25A) and THE FIELD (22). CLOUGH (3) was to be shaded. First prize Will Snell, London SE10 Runners-up Mike Conway,