Dave – 4 July 2013

‘I didn’t know the dress code, so I opted for safety.’
‘He pulled himself down by his bootstraps.’
‘One cheesecake, two forks, and a ruler.’
‘I don’t know why we stock that magazine — nobody ever buys it.’
‘Congratulations, you’ve gone viral.’
‘Blimey! Another pub has disappeared.’
‘...whereas this one induces mild aggression followed by extreme soporiferousness.’
‘Yes, he can talk but it’s mostly just a stream of banal drivel.’
‘This is the first time I’ve been out with anyone from GCHQ.’
‘Someone’s sent me a bleet.’
‘Water cooler moment ... water cooler moment...’
‘Agree to Mr Saatchi’s terms or you’ll get to keep the Tracey Emins.’
‘Fracking? What on earth is fracking?
‘Think back. Where else might you have put your passport?’